Chapter Four

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For the whole night I was tossing and turning in anticipation of what today would bring. Now, as I looked helplessly at my blank expression in the mirror, I was horrified by the black bruise like marks circling my eyes. It made me resemble something close to a raccoon.

I swing around in my swivel chair, facing a very well rested Ally, a bright smile pressed on her lips. She was excited for what my "date" would be like today. I, on the other hand, was nervous as hell. Butterflies fluttered madly in my stomach while my heart hammered harshly with every beat. With each beat it was closer to breaking through my cage of bone.

“Ally,” I whine desperately. “I need help!” I add as I point to the sleepless bags.

“Alright, alright. I'll help. Jeez.” She chuckles but I just sigh.

She pulls all my hair back from my face before coating all my face with concealer, bringing back my human look. The silence had me worked up more about what I was to expect. I was over thinking it all now.

“Al, maybe I shouldn't go.” I sigh, breaking through the thick silence. “I mean, what if he's a jerk? Or a creepy pervert? Maybe he's a serial killer.” I pause, my words playing in my brain for a few seconds before I add, “Or what if I make myself look like an idiot.”

Ally sighs, stopping colouring the tops of my eyes. “Leah, you need to step out of your comfort zone. I'm sure he'll be fine. He's just probably a lonely business man with lots of money. He probably can't find a girl and has resulted to this.”

Her words didn't help at all. In fact, they made me feel worse if possible. “What if he thinks I'm some lowlife prostitute?” I ask as Ally swipes mascara over my lashes to thicken them.

“Lee, just remember he was in there too, so he can act all high and mighty. Just give it a chance. And on the small chance that he might be a sleezy jerk, leave. No one's forcing you into this, love.” She says and this time, her words help me a little.

“Thanks,” I say as she finishes my mascara.

“Alright, now sit still.” She demands playfully and I giggle.


An hour passes and finally my hair and makeup was finished. Ally kept my makeup light and simple, appearing very neutral so I didn't look like I was trying too hard to impress. She lightly curled some of my hair, giving it the wavy beach look.

Now I sat on her bed, judging each dress Ally pulled from her closet.

“Oh my god, Leah. You need to choose!” She whines as I disagree on yet another option. I had no idea what to wear in all honesty.

“I don't know Al, what do I wear?” I ask and she twists her lips to the side in thought. Her fingers glide lightly over the soft fabrics filling her half of the closet.

“How about this?” She asks pulling a tight black dress. It was long-sleeved, off the shoulder, short cut dress, reaching around mid-thigh. I smile as I nod. Surely I couldn't go wrong with this.

I grab the dress and clean underwear before stepping into the closet to change. “Don't mess your hair up in there.” Ally warns and I chuckle. I don't think I had to worry considering my half of the closet consisted of limited clothing.

I successfully change, hair and makeup still in tact as I step out. “How does it look?” I ask as I do a twirl.

“Sexy. Nice butt.” Ally giggles and I roll my eyes, flipping her off. “Ah, ah, ah. You can't act like that on your date,” She teases, shoving me with her shoulder as she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

“Piss off,” I joke, shoving her shoulder gently in a playful manner.

“Okay, shoes...” Ally trails off, searching through her endless pile stacked at the bottom of her closet. Finally she pulls out a shiny black leather heel that shows a peek of toe at the front. I slip them on and my look was completed. Even though I was all black, it was working.

Ally checks the time and sure enough I have to leave. Thankfully, Ally was giving me a lift so I didn't need to walk and be all sweaty and gross by the time I got there.


The car comes to a slow stop as Ally pulls into park. I sigh, eyes looking to the building to my left . I bite my lip as my fingers fiddle aimlessly in my lap.

I had never even been on a real date before, and yet here I was, about meet up with a sugar daddy.

“You'll be fine, Lee,” Ally pipes up. She startles me as I jump a little in my seat.
“Ally... I don't know.” I say. My anxiety was begging to take over and suddenly I wanted the world to eat me. Honestly, before we came here I was getting a little giddy, but now as I look into the glass windows I wanted to run away. I wanted to go back to my room and curl up in bed with a film and a some junk food.

“I'm going to cancel. I can't do this.” I say as I unlock my phone.

“No!” Ally says as she snatches my phone. “C'mon, give it a chance. He might be a really nice guy. Besides, you can't blow him off now. That's just cruel.” She says and I can't help but agree.

I look inside to see if I can spot him amongst the bodies but I can only see figures, even once I have lifted my sunglasses.

“Come with me?” I ask Ally even though I know she would decline.

“I would, but I can't intrude. He wants to see you. You'll be fine, I promise.” She assures me and I nod with a sigh.

I guess this was it. I open the chat room and ask him the reservation name to be told it was under Harry S. I jump out of Ally's car, heading in.

It was now or never....


Thank you, hope you like this. I know it's boring at the moment but I promise it will get better. Just hang on please :) x I'm sorry they haven't met yet too ;) maybe next chapter...?? Lol

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved. 

Published: 04.04.2018
Edited: 20.04.2018

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