Chapter Twenty-One

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It was just three days short of two weeks. Eleven days had passed and neither Harry nor I had reached out to the other. And as much as I said we needed this, I wish I could have been with him, snuggled in his bed together.

But if I had gotten this far, maybe I could just forget him.

However, I still thought of him. I would go to class, and not be able to think of whatever the lecturer spoke because he would be my every thought. I would go home and just think about him. Replaying the few scenarios of us in the room.

I thought we were progressing when he told me about his childhood. But nothing changed. We were still at square one.

I sit up, looking over at Ally, rolling my eyes at her pouting face.

"Stop sulking! It'll help!" I roll my eyes again at her comment, not wanting to put up a fight with her but knowing I had to.

"No, Ally! I don't want to." I tell her and she stands up, hands on her hip as she glares at me.

"Do you really think I am going to leave you here, sulking away because you're not talking to a boy. If you miss him so much, call him!" I shake my head. There was not a chance that I was calling him. "They are your options. Either you call him, or you are coming out."

Well, I wasn't going out. I would just say that I would call Harry, wait until she left, and sleep.

"Fine, I'll call him." I say and she smirks.

"Okay, I want you to dial his number in front of me." She smirks and I sigh. Dammit!

Ally walks over to my side table and picks up my phone, handing me the device.

My throat runs dry and my heart hammers against my chest. I was not ready for this. I couldn't call him.

"If you don't, I will." Ally threatens me. I would rather be the one to call him, god knows what Ally would say to him.

"Okay, okay. Just give me a sec," I say and I sit up straighter, crossing my legs.

I pick up the device that now lay in my lap, looking at the contact on the screen. Harry Styles, was written across the top. I bite my lip hitting the call button. I put the phone to my ear listening to the ringing.

On the fourth ring I hang up looking over at Ally. My anxiety got the best of me. "I can't do it," I mumble and she rolls her eyes.

"You're being such a child. He's going to see you called him now, idiot." At that, my heart starts beating dramatically fast.

"Shit! What do I do?" I ask, already knowing what Ally's response would be.

"Call him back," I shake my head, not having it in me to call this man back. I knew I was being childish but did I really want to go back to this man? Every time we were together we started fighting and that wasn't something I really wanted to go back to.

But then at the same time, when we were good I was always so happy. I don't know what if as about this man that made me feel like the happiest girl ever, but then he could also make me feel like the most unwanted person 

I bite on my lip as I pick up my phone. Taking my time, I unlock the device and redial Harry's number. I hold the phone to my ear, and a little part of me hopes that Harry doesn't pick up, but at the same time I hope he does because I would look desperate, calling him twice in less then five minutes.

My heart stops completely as I hear my line connect to the other side. Oh god!

"Hello?" His voice calms me and I almost forget all the drama we had been through in the past weeks.

"Hey," I say quietly and Harry sighs heavily through the phone.

"Leah?" He asks and I nod, tears welling up in my eyes at just hearing his voice.

I had no idea what this man was doing to me. I felt like I craved this man. Whenever I wasn't near him, I felt like I needed to be. And he was the only guy that could really get under my skin, and I let him every single time.

The hardest part about all this though, was I had no idea how he felt.

"Hey... um... should we... um... do you wanna come over and we could talk? Or I could come to yours? Or we don't have to... I mean... don't worry about it. Sorry."

"Leah, you're rambling." He chuckles a little. "I'll come by in twenty," I nod, forgetting that he can't see me.

"O-okay. Bye,"

"Bye, love," he says making my heart skip, yet again. The line dies and I look at Ally. I don't think it was healthy for my heart to stop this much.

"There we go," Ally says. "All sorted. Now you two can go back to being 'madly in love'." I roll my eyes.

She had no idea that when we were together we just seemed to fight.

"Shit! I gotta get ready! Ally you gotta leave!" I say and she laughs, grabbing her purse and phone.

"Okay, okay. I'll see you tonight, babe." I nod, not really paying attention to whatever it was that she was saying as I look through clothes. Should I dress up? Should I just dress casually?

I pull out a pair of black jeans and a white button up. Deciding that this would have to do I dress myself before coating my lashes with a little mascara.

I look at the clock and see I still have ten minutes until Harry arrives so I decide to clean the room.

Once the room is spotless, I check the time again, heart beating faster. Harry said he would be here sixteen minutes ago.

I sit in bed, pulling out my phone just as someone knocks on the door. I freeze not sure what I was supposed to do. I don't know if I was ready to see him just yet.

I did not think this through.

I stand up and walk to the door, pulling it open to find Harry. I bite my lip, not sure what to do next.

He was wearing black skinny jeans, tighter than any pair that I own. His torso was covered with a thin white shirt, the tattoos that I had only seen a limited amount of times peering through the material. While he dressed like nothing was happening with him, he looked like he hadn't slept, his hair strewn all over the place.

"Come in," I say as I step aside. I move over to my bed, Harry standing awkwardly in the doorway.


* * *

I know it's a little boring, but I have something big happening next chapter ;)

Thanks, xx

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