Chapter Three

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I grab my laptop and open it up. Biting on my lip as I click on the small internet icon at the bottom of my screen. Soon, my search bar appears and I click it, typing in my search.

How to hire a sugar daddy

Many results pop up. Some were reviews, some were questions with answers. I scroll down, clicking on a link.

The page loads, hundreds of profiles showing. I am shocked with how many people actually use websites like this. I thought it was a small thing but apparently not. I scroll through and pick one profile at random.

Name : JONES, Nick
Age: 35
Location: 4 miles
Interests: Fun playful girl
Description: I'm looking for a girl to keep me company during my time in town. I pay well and my wife can't find out ;) message me if you're interested. (please only message me if you're between the ages of 19-26)

I scrunch my face up at his profile. He was sleazy and disgusting. His poor wife had no idea that he was looking for some young bimbo that he could pay for sex.

I click back, the hundreds of profiles sitting in front of me again. On the right, I see a preference page.

I fill it in so only profiles filtered to my liking comes up.

Scrolling through the many profiles I find one with a guy that didn't look creepy like the rest. I click it and his profile appears. He looked hot and clean cut. I scroll down, looking at his information.

Name: STYLES, Harry
Age: 23
Location: 3.5 miles
Interests: Classy girls
Description: please message me if you're interested. Thank you

I chuckle at the interests. Classy girls on a website like this? You're on it though, aren't you?  My conscious adds and I roll my eyes.

I wonder why he hadn't added a proper description.

I decide that I have nothing to loose and message him. As I click the message button an alert pops up.

Please create a profile before continuing

I sign, clicking the sign up button. After creating my profile I am redirected to the chat room.

What to say...?

I start aimlessly typing hoping something helpful will come to mind.

Hi, I read your profile and was curious about the description??

I backspace the message, deciding against that approach.

Hey, your profile intrigued me ;)

I delete that message too. God, it made me sound so desperate.

Fuck, what do I write?

Hey, I'm Leah. I saw your profile and was interested.

Knowing that it wasn't going to get much better, I hit send.

As I go to shut my computer off, a notification pops up. It tells me I can download the app to keep track of my conversations. So I do. That way I can see what Harry messages me back.


I walk out of the local supermarket feeling like an idiot. That interview couldn't have gone any worse. Apparently I shouldn't have told them about my last job and how I lost it...

I had been looking for jobs for the past three days after the sugar daddy thing didn't work out. Harry never messaged back and everyone else I found was creepy looking or really old.

I decide to go get a coffee to calm myself. As I sit and scroll through my emails to see if there were any emails back for job interviews I get a message from my app. You have a new message from STYLES, Harry.

I feel my heart rate pick up at the notification. I open the app, eager to read the message I had been waiting for three days for something back.

Harry: Good morning, Ms Hamilton. Thank you for replying to my profile. I would like to meet up in person tomorrow for further details and discussion.

I bite my lip as I message back.

Leah: Okay, I'd love to.

Harry messages back giving me an address. I Google the place, photos of a fancy restaurant loading. Oh god, what should I wear?

I quickly stand, racing back to our dorm room to talk to Ally. “Ally!” I say as I burst through the door. To my dismay she's not sitting on her bed. I decide to text her to find out where she is. I needed her more than ever at the moment.

ME: Where r u?

ALLY: w/ John. What's wrong??

ME: I need ur help ASAP!!!

ALLY: I'll be back soon x

I sigh, sitting on my bed and scrolling through my phone to pass time. Butterflies were fluttering around in my tummy like crazy. I was already getting nervous for tomorrow and today hadn't even come close to ending. It was still ten in the morning.


“Bitch, you better wake up and tell me what the fuck is going on!” Ally says as she shakes my shoulder to wake me from a slumber I had accidentally drifted into.

“I'm up, I'm up. What's the time?” I ask as I attempt to sit up.

“6:30. I got carried away with John, sorry.” She apologizes but I shrug it off. I didn't want her to elaborate...

“Don't worry about it.”

“So,” Ally says as she plops down onto my bed. “What's the big emergency?”

“Here,” I say as I hand over my phone with the messages on display.

“You got a sugar daddy?!” Ally squeals as she shoves my shoulder. I shrug, still feeling like shit after all my school and debt shit.

“I needed money and this was the only way I could think to get it. He wants to meet at a fancy restaurant tomorrow and I'm freaking out. I have nothing to wear.” I say as I rub the back of my hand against my forehead.

“I'm sure we can find something for you,” She says and I smile weakly at her. She looks me over, sighing a little. “Are you sure you want to do this? I could get the money for you...” She offers and I sigh.

“I couldn't ask you to do that. I just... I'm not having sex with him. It's as simple as that!” I say and Ally giggles.

“Okay, love.”


Thanks for reading. x

TIP - If you didn't notice the messages on the sugar daddy app will have the name in bold and message in regular font. However on text message their name will be in caps and bold with the message being in italics :)

©2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 25.03.2018
Edited: 20.04.2018

Desperate || Harry Styles Sugar Daddy Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now