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A year and a half had passed and Harry had tired to move on. He had gone back to distancing women, only using them for a night before pushing them away. His mother was concerned that he had gone back to his old ways. She missed Leah and how she kept him grounded.

Leah hurt for months after their breakup. She hid at home until school started where she only attended class when she really had to. Eventually, she started going back to being how she was. After about a year later she was offered a receptionist job at a nearby publishing firm which she gracefully accepted.

* * *

"Are we still having lunch together?" Jenifer questioned Leah. Leah nods, continuing to type on the computer.

"Of course," Leah smiles, turning around to look at her new found friend. "Is Sammy coming too?" She asks her colleague.

"Definitely," she smiles as she continues her work.

"Hey, Leah," Jackson, Leah's boss calls to her. "We gotta get ready for that presentation," he says, Leah standing with her computer.

"Yeah," She says. She makes her way to the presentation room, ensuring that the PowerPoint was perfect. As she flicks through she feels two arms wrap around her waist. "Hey there handsome." She greets her boyfriend of two months. At first she was skeptical to be dating someone else after Harry, but Sean persisted. Every morning at work he would greet her with a fresh coffee and a pastry and her stomach gave in.

"Hey, you all set for this?" He asks and Leah nods.

Half an hour passes before the rest of the firms partners arrive. Leah had everything set out, a snack table set to the side.

She walks out of the room with her boss, preparing to greet the partners. She smiles as they all walk in, shaking each of their hands as they pass. As she gets closer to the end she spots someone she hadn't expected nor prepared to see him.

"Um, hi," she greets him trying to keep professional and put any other emotions she felt for him aside.

"Hey," He says. They don't shake hands, instead he just slips past her and into the meeting room.

For the entirety of the presentation she stumbled over her words, intimidated by the sharp green eyes that stalked her. The meeting felt as though it went on forever, but it had only been about an hour and half.

Both Jackson and Leah bid the men a goodbye. "Leah," Harry calls making her heart skip a beat. That gravel texture to his deep voice. Her heart couldn't handle it, the cracks splitting open, breaking the seal she had made. "Hey, can we go have lunch?" He asks, Leah biting onto her lip.

"I can't. I've already got plans with some of my friends," she answers and Harry nods.

"No, you should go, Leah," Sammy tells her as she gathers some papers that were left on the table. "I'll let Jen know,"

"Um... okay," Leah mumbles, the idea of meeting with Harry making her heart speed up.

* * *

"So..." Leah mumbles, stirring her coffee.

"How have you been?" Harry asks and Leah rolls her eyes.

"Harry, cut the crap," Leah speaks. "Why did you really want to meet up?" She asks, voice maybe a little more bitter than intended.

"I just... I wanted to see how you were..."

"Well, I'm fine. I've been seeing someone for a little white now and we're really happy." She explains, a smile inching onto her lips as she speaks of Sean.

The mention of Leah moving on made Harry's heart ache. Harry still hoped that she was single and would come running back to him, no matter how much he had hurt her. He didn't move on, he couldn't. And for all this time he had prayed that she was the same.

"Oh... well that's nice," he says and she nods.

"You can't be upset. You never came after me.."

"You didn't come after me either!"

"Yeah, and I moved on." She speaks, that making Harry snap.

"Yeah, well I think everything worked out for the best then," and with that he gets up and walks away. But what neither of them knew was that they both wished the other would plead for them back. They both feared that if they were asked, they'd give in. Both still loved each other and only really wanted each other.

"I miss you so much," Leah mumbles as tears build in her eyes. Her phone rings on the counter, Sean's name at the top of the screen. She knew in that moment whatever she had with him had to end, her heart just wanted Harry. It wasn't fair to Sean.

What she didn't realise though, would be the next time she heard about Harry he would be in a magazine standing next to his fiancé.


Not really the ending I had in mind.... anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the wrap up. That's it for Leah and Harry...

I just wanna say thank you all so much for the comments, the encouraging words and the votes. This book meant a lot to me and I hope you all feel the same. Love each of you so much!!!

Now as you can see I have kind of set it up for a second novel so comment opinions (do you want one? What do you wanna see?) Thank you for everything. The fact that you chose to read this book right until the end means the world.

If you could all get back to me about book two, that'd be great. I'll need an answer ASAP so I can plan a new book if you want one. Thanks!!! xxx

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