
1.8K 33 4

Ship: Minizerk
Relationship: Best friends to boyfriends.
Words: 346
Warning: none

"Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh, Jo-" "what" I stopped poking Joshs cheek and smiled as his eyes fluttered open. "Hi" Josh sighed but a small smiled was on his face as he waved a little. "You're very cuddly when you're asleep" I pointed out, poking Joshs leg which was draped over my own legs/hips.

"O-oh. I'm sorry" Josh went to move away from me but I quickly placed my hand onto Joshs thigh,  "it's fine, Josh. I like it, you're warm" Josh chuckled, clearly still embarrassed as he nodded and moved back to where he was.

I smiled a little and looked up at the ceiling above us. "Do you think we'll be friends forever?" I heard Josh mumble. I tilted my head so I was looking at him and I nodded slowly,  "I. . . I don't. . . I don't know but I hope we are. I don't see what could come between us so bad that we lose touch" Josh smiled at that and nodded along, "okay, I hope that too" "I love you Josh" I smiled,saying the sentence we say all of the time. I felt Josh tense up as I looked over to him, "what? What's wrong" "Simon...do you like me?" "Of course I do" "No. . .I mean would you like to be with me, like me" I pursed my lips slightly, thinking about it. "Well...I don't think I'd mind being able to hold your hand in public, kiss you whenever, to call you mine. Yeah...I wouldn't mind that at all." A small smile formed on Joshs loos as he rolled over so he was sitting on my lap as I laid.

I smiled up at Josh, laughing a little but cut myself off when I felt Joshs hands holding the side of my face, his nose touching mine.

"Is this okay?" Joshs breath fanned across my face, making me shiver. I nodded slowly and closed my eyes, leaning up slightly as Josh and I's lips connected, molding together.

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