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Relationship: Strangers
Warnings: None
Words: 684

I closed my eyes as I walked freely, my music blasting throughout my ears. It's a beautiful day, first time I've seen this much sun in London. 

I continued on my stroll Until I felt myself crash into someone else, I opened my eyes and looked towards where the person may be. "oh gosh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you alright?" "Yes, I'm fine. My name's SImon, yours?" I held my hand out, feeling the man conect his with mine. "I'm Josh. I noticed you were walking with your eyes closed?" "ah, my eyes being closed is no different than them being open. Im blind" "Oh Jeez, I'm so sorry" I shook my head and let my arm fall back down, "don't apologize, the only person who should be apologizing is my mother for wandering off" "Oh! Here, let me help you find her!" The man spoke excitedly, he sounds young, around my age, just with a raspier voice. "That's alright, I'll make do" "Aw come on, it's the least I can do after rudely bumping into you like a goon" "..Alright, if you insist" I could practically feel the man smile as he gently took my hand into his, leading me around, "What was your mother wearing, Simon?" "uh-" "Oh-shit Im so sorry!" "no it's fine! I felt her jacket and it felt denim with some stitching on it" Josh nodded, i could tell by the near silent sound he made. "Okay, We'll find her." 

"Tell me a bit about yourself Josh, seeing as im blindly, pun not intended, walking around with you" "Well, as you know my name is Josh, im 18, I like long walks on the beach" I rolled my eyes as he laughed, "come on, be serious" I chuckled, looking up towards him.

"Well, I love football, I'm not very good at it but I do enjoy learning more about it and running around. I also really enjoy computers and video games, learning new things is one of my favourite things- hey don't laugh, I know i'm a geek" 


"What do you look like?" I asked after he finished telling me a bit about himself.  "oh, well, I have a bit of a stubble beard. My hair is a dark brown, like dark to the point it's nearly black- Im pretty tall, 6'0. I have hazel eyes and my clothes aren't the coolest right now. I'm wearing grey sweatpants and a random black jumper" "You sound cute" I smiled and chuckled a bit, "What do I look like?" "Well, you have blonde hair though it seems to be going darker. It's spiked up slightly, like a quiff. You're also really tall, about 6'1 or 6'2. Your nose is pretty preppy, it has an elegant slope and then it tips up slightly, your lips are small but plump, very pink. You're sickeningly pale but it looks good on you. Your cheek bones are high and prominent, and you have long legs and fingers. You're also wearing grey sweatpants and a black jumper, though yours are really lovely on you. Now, your eyes," I bit my lip and looked up towards Josh, playing with the sleeves of my sweater, 

"They're absolutely mesmerizing. They're an incredibly light blue with green and golden specks. When you're happy they shine. When you're thinking your pupil shrinks causing your Iris to grow in colour, new specks of blue appear and they're all so beautiful. You're very beautiful Simon" "And you're very observant, thank you for saying all of those nice things." "Photographers usually are observant with the details of something so gorgeous. What school do you go to?" "Homeschooled" "Perfect. Would you like to be my muse? It sounds bare odd but everytime I look at you I want to photograph you, bless the world with you" 

"That's an incredible honor Josh, how about we find my mom first and then we can talk about me being your muse" I giggled, tightening my hand around Josh's slightly. 

(I ReALLy liked writing this one!)
(Also I wrote it in geography class whOOOPS) 

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