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Laughter erupted from both mine and Josh's throats. "That was fucking hilarious!" I wheezed, shutting the door once Josh was fully inside. "So was your face when you looked down at me!"

We continued to laugh for a moment, only pausing to stare at one another. I sighed and fell back onto my bum, leaning against the wall. "Even though my parents know it isn't anyone's choice whom their soul mate is, they still find it wrong for man to be with man or woman to be with woman. Now, I don't agree with my parents in many ways, but, I still do love them." Josh frowned and sat down a little away from me.

"If your parents know it isn't up to us. . . What right do they have to judge? What right do they have to think less of someone because of their fate?" Josh spoke harshly as he stared at the ground.

I took the moment of peace to stare at the side of his face. His eyes were very striking, I'm glad he saw me that one time I accidentally barged into his classroom, obviously I thought it was mine.

"How about we. . .we talk? We become friends? And if in, let's say, six months you decide you still can't be with me, then I'll accept that and move." I stared at Josh in shock. Hope filled his eyes as he stared back.

My headed tilted upwards and then back down. "Okay."

One month later

"Simon! If you don't get out of your shitty dorm room ... I'll do something!" Tobi   hollered, banging his fists against my door. "Fuck off Tobi! And tell Josh I'm not going to that stupid party! I want to play some shitty steam game and then sleep for twelve hours!" "I hope you die in your sleep, You asshole! Now I have to deal with a bitchy Josh! Curse you, Demon of the lazyness!" I snickered to myself as I heard Tobi stomp off in direction of the elevator.

God bless.

I rolled out of bed and slipped off my shirt, chucking it somewhere random. "Yo, Simon. Come on we-" Josh opened my door and paused, staring at my body.

At the sudden realization that Josh was indeed in my room, I screamed and threw a pokeball plushie at him. Josh snorted and caught it, closing the door behind him as he stepped in further.

"Get out, perv." I growled and tried to reach for the shirt I picked out last night. Josh grabbed onto my wrist and pushed me down onto my bad. My back collided with the mattress and a shocked noise released deep from my throat. 

Josh hesitated for a moment, trailing his eyes from my v-line up to my lips. I breathed heavily, staring at his. "Six months..." I whispered. Josh slowly trailed his attention to my eyes. "Sorry,  what? What's that?" I glared at Josh but soon relaxed as his lips met mine. His hand connected with my chest, the other on my hip. "I'm not fucking you so don't get too excited." I spoke into the kiss, opening my eyes to look at him.

Josh opened his own eyes and glared at me, falling over so he was instead beside me. "Good job on ruining the moment!" I giggled and shifted so I was holding myself up by my elbows.

I tilted my head down and pecked Josh's lips, collapsing back down on top of his body. Josh grunted but didn't make any movement to remove me or push me away.

I happily wrapped myself around my bearding man, snuggling my head into the pillow underneath him. "Can we stay here? Instead of the part-" "yes."

I laughed at Josh's immediate response. His hands wrapped around my waist and held me close.

Four months later

"Ew, stop making out!" I stuck my tongue out and pretend to vomit, shielding my eyes from JJ and Harry. JJ snickered and shoved me to the side.


My boyfriend senses tingled as I entered the room. I watched as jjs hand connected with Simons shoulder in a shove. I quickly ran over and hooked my arms underneath my soulmates armpits and held him up from falling off the bed.


I stared up at Josh in shock, that was impressive. Jide soon started to snog Harry again, completely ignoring what just happened. 

"Can we go to your room, Josh? These guys are going to start thrusting into one another on my bed any second now." Josh grimaced and quickly let his arms fall from under me and instead grabbed my hand. We left the room and headed a couple doors down to his.

"Four months." "Why are you still keeping track? It's clear what you've picked" "Nope.  I have two months left to change my mind."

Cutting it here. Its 2:50 am right now and I have work tomorrow. I'm exaughsted lmao. Will probably get the third part up either today (technically it is today since it's not Sunday anymore) or tomorrow. 

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