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"Jihoon you are choosed to kill kwon soonyoung and you must not disappoint".
These words were revolving in my head from yesterday. but first let me do my introduction please ~ I am Lee Jihoon and I am an assassin in the underworld. I work for the Lee clan, now you also know that soonyoung is an assassin too but he's also the heir to kwon clan but me I am just an assassin in the lee clan the real heir is Chan, Lee chan but I am still considered the strongest assassin in the whole clan so that's why I am choosen to kill kwon soonyoung. Honestly I don't have a problem killing him though I mean yeah he is strong and all but his aura just doesn't seem evil I don't know why.

And now I am interreptud by the teacher.

"Lee jihoon, you're new right come introduce yourself". The teacher calls out.

"Oh yeah". I said as I go the front to introduce myself.

"Hello I am lee jihoon but you can call me woozi". I said as I bowed.

"Ok, so jihoon you can sit with kwon soonyoung , soon raise your hand". She said.

"I am here". Kwon soonyoung  raised his hand.

Yes kwon soonyoung you might wanna buckle up your seatbelt cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride. I thought as I smirked.

I walked over to him and said "Hello , I am lee jihoon". and also showed him my eye-smile,cause obviously I won't just go to him and say " Hey there hoshi I'm here to kill you". and just shot him in the head.

" Hello there jihoon". He said showing his eye-smile.

Yeah good try hoshi, I won't melt in your charms.

Oh you will.

You think I will fall for you and you can easily eliminate me, huh?

You will fall for him hunny but he probably won't eliminate you, probably who knows?

" Lee and kwon please stop talking in my class". Mrs. na said.

"Yes sorry mrs. na". We both said.

Suddenly soonyoung passed me a note. It read:

"so I think i'll get to know you later on ; )".

Disgusting. I thought. But I had too keep my cool so i have to reply.

"Yeah sure let's meet up in lunch". I wrote and passed the note him.

Then he looked at me winked and mouthed an ok. This fucking bitch. But again I had to reply so I just smiled at him.


Time passed by(like lara's fly lol) and it was finally lunch.

"Hey jihoon let's go". Soonyoung said as he dragged me towards the canteen.

"Oh ok". I said as he was dragging me.

When we reached to his table I saw wait is that WEN JUNHUI!! XU MYUNGHO!! CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!! YOON JEONGHAN!! HONG JISOO!! KIM MINGYU!! JEON WONWOO!!BOO SEUNGKWAN!! HANSOL VERNON CHWE!! but also are those the FUCKING LEE BROTHERS!!!! shit man and also I'm tired from all the screaming inn my head.

I noticed that both of the lee's eyes widened when they saw me but they still tried to keep their cool. Maybe they didn't know I am coming there because ofcourse why would the lee family waste money on me unless they have a profit from it but I also didn't care whatsoever.

"Umm hello I am lee jihoon". I said while bowing.

Most of their eyes widened by listening my name cause you can say that I am quite a famous assassin in the underworld. I thought as I smirked mentally.

" Lee jihoon as in-". Minghao or the8 as we call him in the underworld almost said until jun elbowed him.

" Yes lee jihoon as in the composer". I said being cautious  of what I say myself.

"O-oh". He said as he laughed nervously.

They all introduced themselves even though I already knew everyone of them. Yes I literally know everything about them since their birth till now.


Hello hopes, you guys liking the story? anyways if anyone of you need covers well then blossom covers is officially open pls check out~

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