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(This may be not much appealing to all readers so if you guys are not comfortable with this kind of stuff  you can skip this chapter)

Soonyoung pushed Jihoon on the door of the room of the hotel they just checked in being completely drunk.

He looked in his eyes, his eyes full with lust and thirst, as he crashed his lips roughly on Jihoon's. Jihoon moaned the moment Soonyoung pushed his tongue in Jihoon's mouth, he explored his partner's wet cavern making sure not to leave any spot.

Jihoon snaked his arms around Soonyoung's waist as he whined wanting more than a kiss.

"Oh eager are we? " Soonyoung asked picking Jihoon up and wrapping his arms around his waist and Jihoon moved his hands from his waist to his hair.

He slowly carried Jihoon to the bed still not stopping the heated kiss they were having. Pushing Jihoon on the bed as he hovered above him "You look so beautiful laid down under me baby." Soonyoung lowly growled in Jihoon's ear making him moan loudly.

Slowly Soonyoung pulled away from Jihoon's lips to his jawline not forgetting to leave marks here and there. Soonyoung soon started licking and biting that soft spot on Jihoon's milky neck which made him go crazy. "Aaah~" Jihoon moaned loudly as Soonyoung started to roughly bite his neck, back arching at Soonyoung's action Jihoon started whining wanting more. "Not now baby moan my name." Soonyoung said as he removed the clothing on Jihoon's chest. 

A sudden coldness hit Jihoon making him shiver. "S-soonyoun-." Jihoon couldn't complete his sentence as Soonyoung roughly bit on Jihoon's lower lip making him wince and moan. 

"It's daddy to you." Soonyoung said as he wrapped his arms around Jihoon so he won't be cold.

"Dad-dy why am I the only one whose shirtless? " Jihoon asked as he also started sucking on Soonyoung's neck.

"So you want this out,huh? Well take it out yourself." He said as Jihoon quickly took Soonyoung's shirt off. 

As soon as the shirt was off of his chest he started giving a kiss to Jihoon again.

Jihoon slowly moved his hands from Soonyoung's  chest to his abdomen as his hands reached there he started palming his member making Soonyoung moan in the kiss. As Jihoon heard the moan he painfully slowly moved his hands from his member to his inner thighs rubbing them making Soonyoung go crazy, he quickly switched the positions they were in, pulling away from the kiss as he lift Jihoon up making him sit on his waist as he was laying down "Pleasure me baby."

He moaned as Jihoon quickly started to suck on Soonyoung's neck still sitting in his waist as Soonyoung became a moaning mess.

Soon enough Jihoon was halfway through his chest leaving marks all over, he then finally reached to Soonyoung's abdomen , he slowly unbuckled his belt as he also slowly took his jeans off really really slow making Soonyoung whine in a really really loud tone . Finally Jihoon took his jeans off, he saw the tent forming in Soonyoung's boxers so he gave open-mouth kisses on his clothed-member as he slowly went down and started sucking on his inner thighs making Soonyoung go over the edge, "Plea-se don- don't tease." Soonyoung whined.

"Ok then." Jihoon said as he took his boxers off and took in his member wrapping his hands around the parts which were left soon he started giving kitten licks on the tip and finally taking everything in. He started bobbing his head up and down on Soonyoung's member which made Soonyoung tackled his fingers in Jihoon's hair.

Soonyoung roughly pulled Jihoon's hair as he gagged on his member making Soonyoung go crazy, Jihoon started to go more faster than ever as he started to swirl his tongue around Soonyoung's member hoping he would reach his high. "Jiho-on I'- ." Soonyoung didn't get to complete his sentence as Jihoon went more faster as he got the message that he was gonna reach his high. 

Soon enough Soonyoung's member twitched inside Jihoon's mouth as he released in his mouth. Jihoon pulled away as he swallowed everything in his mouth.  

Soonyoung was left breathing heavily as he moaned "I want you Jihoon now." 

Then Soonyoung quickly took off the last clothing on Jihoon's body and threw it across the room as of now, they're both fully undressed.

Soonyoung quickly flipped Jihoon as his back was facing Soonyoung's front then he roughly inserted his member inside Jihoon as he moaned loudly from the both the pain and pleasure. 

Even though being completely drunk Soonyoung waited for Jihoon to adjust.

"Move." Jihoon said as Soonyoung started with a slow pace as he passionately kissed Jihoon to help him forget about the pain.

Again despite being completely drunk it seemed like they both were completely sober.

"F-faster daddy." Jihoon moaned and as he did, Soonyoung started to move at an inhuman speed, the sound of skin-slapping and moans completely took over them both as they completely mixed into each other.

"Da-daddy I am close." Jihoon moaned loudly probably the loudest of the night.

Soon enough Jihoon released on Soonyoung's thighs and some on the bed. Soonyoung was still not done so he sloppily thrusted inside Jihoon.

Soon he came inside of jihoon who was beyond exhausted. He pulled away as he dropped beside Jihoon pulling him near his chest back-hugging him as he slowly kissed Jihoon's head.

"Goodnight Hoonie, my one and only love." Soonyoung said as he pulled the covers on them as Jihoon hummed dozing out from exhaustion.

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