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"Shh shh, oh my little baby heeyoungie." I swinged the babygirl in my arms.


"Shhhhhh Kwan, they're sleeping."

"Sorry, Oh my god they look so cute ahh." He exclaimed while coming inside.

"Oh my god, Wow." Jeonghan hyung whispered while coming inside as others did too.

"Wahh you guys look you're parents now oh my!!" Jeonghan hyung said while giving both me and soonyoung a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you."

"Can I hold her? or him."

"Of course, here you go." I said while handling heeyoung to him.

"Waahh omo hello baby, I am your uncle jeonghan." He saod while burping her and kissing her forehead.

"What's his name?" Mingyu stood behind soonyoung like a damn ghost and poking daewon.

"Mingyu please stop poking him, and his name is daewon Kwon daewon."

"And her?" Seungcheol took her from jeonghan's hands.

"Heeyoung, kwon-"

"Yeah yeah we know." Seungkwan said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my godd jihoon." Mom bursts in the room with dad.

"Hey." I smiled at them.

"You guys talk we'll leave." Seungcheol said as he placed Hee in her light pink crib alongside her brothers light bluish-purple crib.(lol don't come at me)

Soonyoug also gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and placed daewon on his crib while leaving the room.

"Hey sweetie." Mom said while taking my hands in hers as they both sat beside me.

"How're you feeling?"

"Exhausted. A bit but overall great."

"Good. The exhaustion will leave eventually."

"Hoon, about all this drama I know we have a lot to explain but-"

"It's ok dad no need to explain, uncle yoongi and taeyong already told me everything."

"Wait jihoon they're so beautiful and my grandson looks so like you."

"Ah, haha yes."

"Heeyoung and Daewon Kwon."

I am sad that I moved out of uncle yoongi's house but I had too.

Right now everyone was at the lee mansion and believe me everyone included uncle hobi, jaehyun and minhyung too.

The old staff was fired and tge people locked in the prison were now taking thier place.

The lee clan was back to the peaceful-not so peaceful clan, now the lee's old assasins came back and the missions were running smoothly.

"Omoo my baby, ohh cutiee." Seokmin lifts heeyoung in his hands and plays with even though she's a few hours only and she looks sleepy but having a sun infront of her and a sun sitting beside her was giving her energy.

She cutely smiled, being the daughter of 2 people who literally invented eyesmiles- in seungkwan's opinion, benifits her and yes she smiled with an eyesmile.

Meanwhile daewon was in uncle yoongi's lap sleeping, and uncle yoongi himself dozed off.

"Mimi~~." Chan came towards sakura giving her a kiss.

Yeah I forgot to say chan was out for a meeting, to clear everything about mom and dad.

"Chan baby." She gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

"Jihoonie." Soonyoung came to me and latched on me, giving me kisses on the cheek and lips.

"Hmm?" what is it?"

"You never saw the kwon mansion perfectly, right?"

"Not really."

"Come on i'll show you today I have to check somethings at the building too and we haven't had perfect time for ourselves in a long time."

"Ok ok, let's go."

"We'll going out for a bit, please guys don't do anything to the twins, they're just born today."

"Oh come on hyung we aren't that careless."

"WHERE'S THE DAMN MILK SEOKMIN, IT'S YOUR HOUSE FOR GOD'S SAKE." Mingyu's voice could be heard from the kitchen.

"Mingyu-ah it's in the fridge." Seokmin handed hee to uncle hobi and ran in the kitchen.

"I still beleive in you mom, dad and jaehyun uncle."

and after that we left the lee mansion.



"Yo children" Aunt called us.


"Do they have any plans on getting married?"

"Not really."

"Then let's plan one for them it'll be like a gift to them from us."

"A surprise wedding?"


"Do you have any places in mind?"

"The place where wegot married." She said.

"Wait isn't that place closed?" Uncle taeyong asked her.

"We'll see about that."

"Anyways how are we gonna taje them to their wedding, without them knowing?"

"We'll tell soon beforehand so he can get jihoon ready, we'll say that it's a party for the twins and get them to the place then soon will take care of jihoon getting ready we'll also tell jihoon everything before the wedding so he can get ready."

"That's actually a good idea and basically jihoon hyung won't know till the wedding day."





"You wanted to become a idol right?"

"Yes, why?"

"I just hears that some entertainments' auditions are open but they're looking for a group of trainees together."


"Maybe what?"

"Maybe we can ask the others about this."

"That's a great idea."

The end is near y'all, this was a great journey really Oh my god I won't start my speech here watch me crying while writing the thank you note at the ending.

I'll tell you guys but only 5-7 chapters left.

I'll miss y'all.

Well gotta go for now,


This is all my endless love for y'all.

Bye Bye my bbs

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