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LEE JIHOON (This is the last "lee jihoon" of the book oml)

"Come on guys let's go."


Right now we were on our way to show champion for our debut stage, with the song Don't wanna cry.

It's been 7 years a lot has changed we all grew up, yes our trainee period got extended by 2 years but it's ok we finally debuted.

Chan and sakura now have a 1 year old kid, It feels like everything changed everyone grew up so much.

I don't know that I felt happy or sad.

Happy that we're finally debuting with everything set,
Sad that now I have to let go of hee and dae.

Yes, they live with mom and dad since both of us have to practice all the time.

"Jihoon, are yo thinking something?"

"Nothing baby, just thinking about hee and dae"

"It's ok after our promotions end let's go to live with them,"


"Chan, how is jiwoo?"

"She's great but sakura stays frustrated."

"Few days back she went on a mission and without any warning she killed two of the men there."

"Oh wow, you probably should go to her after the promotions end."


"Guys we're here."

we exited the van and there were so many fans even though we just debuted.

We stood together for the group shot,


A fanboy screamed as I laughed  as others did too but boy vernon did not look happy.

"Ok guys you can proceed to the next camera."

The cameraman said as we walked to the next camera, finally it was time to move into the building.
We waved to the fans while proceeding.


"Ok seventeen on the stage in 5."

"Guys this is our first time performing as a perfect group, let's enjoy our debutstay safe and healthy throughout the promotions and of course love each other as brothers, FIGHTING!"



We did the performance and it was the time when they tell the week's scores for artists.

I had the mind-set that we won't win cause we just debuted.

"And this week's top song is DON'T WANNA CRY by SEVENTEEN!!"


"Congratulations, here is your trophy."

"Oh-oh my god,"

I started crying, I didn't believe tha-that we just won,

Seungcheol hyung, Soon and seungkwan started crying too.

"Ah w-we oh my god, jeonghan you take the mic."

"Yes our fans even though we just debuted, you guys support us so much thank you thank you thank you."

"Our pd-nim, manager-nim and bumzu hyung too, thank you so so much."

Don't wanna cry started playing as everybody started singing.

"As we thought we wouldn't win today so we didn't prepare anything, we're sorry."


So many screams were heard as we smiled at them,

the song ended as we waved to the fans and thanked them while bowing and leaving.


"Appa how did you two meet?"

"Ha, us?"

"Yup yup."

"Well I came in your dad's school first time and that's how we met."

"Elaborate more."

"Ughhh fine, "

"That day I was assinged to sit beside your dad, I didn't like him at first but yeah one day we bith talked on a rooftop and that's when I fell in love with him."

"How did you got together?"

"Well your dad was the one confessing."

"Hey as far as I know and remember you were gonna too."



"You guys don't remember it?"

"Not much."

"It was a surprise wedding planned by all the uncles."

"We had so much fun that day."

"Ok enough talk children, now let's sleep."

"Ok good night."

"Good night babies."

In this moment now whatever time it was I felt happy and complete, I loved to be with them.

I just wanted this in life and I feel like I got it.



"I'll tell you, thank you for coming in my life making it like it was worth something without you and hee I- I would have been incomplete."

"Baby, I love you always and always Even if we ever wouldn't have even met I swear I would've done anything to meet you."

He pulled me close and joined our lips.

In this moment it all felt right.

I felt completely loved.

The End--

Shitty ending I know blah blah.

Skip to the thank you note cause I started crying.

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