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Today's the day when soonyoung and I will have our first date. Honestly I was so excited about this. I was currently sitting in the café we always meet up at waiting for him.

"Hoonie!! " Soonyoung beamed brightly while entering the café.

"Soonyoung!" I replied.

"Today is our first date baby!!!" He exclaimed excitedly while sitting on the chair.

"Yess!! This is our first date soon, you have better planned something good for me." I said.

"Yeah, yeah it'll be better than you'll expect it to be." He said.


Right now we were sitting in the bus to lotte world. Yeah he decided to take us to an amusment park. Well I don't really care since I'm going with him.

I smiled at the thought.

"What happened Jihoon?" He asked me.

"Nothing."I replied with a kiss on his cheek.

"Wha-!?" He exclaimed.

"I am not dreaming right,it's you who kissed me!" He said while placing his hand on his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah whatever."I smiled as I turned away.


"Oh my god! Hoonie I am so excited!!" Soonyoung said clinging onto my arm while we entered lotte world's amusement park.

"I know Soonyoung but calm down,please ."I said.

"Ok but we're gonna have the time of our life today!!" He screamed while running away as I had to go after him.

"Wait up Soonyoung" I ran after him.

"Baby." Soonyoung tugged on my arm while stopping.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I want you to win me a teddy bear from that stall." He pouted while pointing towards the ring tosser stall.

"Ah..that?" I asked while rubbing the nape of my neck.

Honestly I am not good at these type of things,like one time Mrs.lee took me,chan and seokmin to a fare type and I had to play that game in order to win chan a unicorn plushie but I couldn't win and failed so he cried and she at that time took me to the washrooms and beat me up but it was not much just 2 or 3 slaps and a bit of abusing.

Anyways why am I talking about the past let's get to the present and if Soonyoung wants a teddy bear then I'll win him one.

"Jihoon, you're spacing out is everything ok?" Soonyoung said making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Yeah um let's go and win you a teddy bear." I smiled at him as his eyes disappeared and he started jumping in excitement.

"YAY!!! LET'S GO!!!!!" He said again running away to the stall while I ran after him.

"So which one do you exactly want Soonyoung? I mean unicorn plushie,that panda kinda thing or a simple teddy bear." I asked while pointing towards all three of them.

"Umm can I have all three?" He asked while pouting.

I chuckled while nodding but inside I knew I couldn't even get him one.

"Go Jihoon! go Jihoon! " Soonyoung cheered while I had the rings in my hand as the stall keeper chuckled.

"One two three and here I go." I whispered while I tossed the ring aaaand it ended not on the gift he wanted I saw him pout but nevertheless he still cheered.

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