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The whole day I was observing jihoon and he is completely different from his other self- Jihoon, but I don't care since I admire him as both but tbh I like jihoon more since he seems much more lively and cute whereas woozi is really really scary. I once read that he killed a man from a small clan by cutting his body honestly this was one of the most top secret history in the underworld but since our manager - Sakura  (look it's author -nim) gets all the files and informations of the killings which happens everyday so I got to know to.

I was personally terrified with him but I can't help fall in love with him and believe me he was not like this he has a painful childhood like me, his parents abandoned him he has 2 brothers - Seokmin and Chan but his parents don't consider him as an lee because he never wanted to be a part of the underworld, he wanted to be an idol, he wanted to sing and dance but his parents didn't let him they used to beat him and they used any method of giving pain to him once he tried to run away so they kept him in a bathtub full of ice - chilled water and the room temp. was below 0 degree celcius, honestly I thought he will freeze to death but     his willpower to live was so strong that he fought till the end but he just couldn't fight for one thing - his freedom and his dreams.

His parents doesn't even consider him as their son and no no don't think of me as an creepy stalker,  I got all this information from Sakura, I wanted to know because I care about him and  because I love him.

I always wanted to help because we have so much in common I also wanted to be a dancer from my childhood but the from the day my mom was killed my one and only goal is to kill Kwon Seohyun, I want him to die the most painful way.

Now I really want to talk about how I first saw woozi , it was a party arranged by Leader of kwon clan and many other clans came but when the lee's came my I's (get it? no , I'm sorry) were only set on him, I still remember that how he looked perfect in the black velvet Coat he wore, I fell for him immediately and that is when I realised that
the Kwon Soonyoung everybody is afraid of has only one soft spot and that is for- Lee Jihoon.

I am sorry if this confuses anyone Soonyoung knows that jihoon is part of the underworld but doesn't knows that he'll kill him and the others were not talking about the underworld in front of jihoon because they don't if he's the real woozi or not.

Just a short update before going to sleep, Love you guys.


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