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"So jihoon where did you studied before coming here?". Seungcheol asked.

Fuck! what am i supposed to answer now that I don't have parents and I didn't go to any school before coming here?!

"I used to be home schooled". I lied cause that's a pretty believable lie , right?.

They just nodded, Yass jihoon they believed it.

"So jihoon you said you're a composer right? have you produced any songs?". Jeonghan asked.

"Oh composing is a hobby of mine I don't take it seriously so I just produced some songs". I answered.
Well obviously I can't be a composer now since I am an assassin.

"Hyung, what is your next class?". Chan asked.

"P.E.". I answered.

"Weird". I thought cause at home he doesn't even talk to me nor does seokmin just a few hi and hey's nothing else.

"You're new right? so let me and seokmin Hyung  take you to ground it's far from here". He said.

"Ok". I said.
He must want to ask me why I am here that's why he's talking to me.

"Let's go then". He said as he and seokmin stood up.

"Ok bye then, see you later". I said to the others who were seated at the table.

"Bye". They replied.

"Jihoon Hyung why are you here?". Chan asked as soon we entered the hallways exiting the canteen.

"Chan let's not talk here since anybody can hear what we are talking about". Seokmin said referring to the sea of students rushing to go to their classes.

As soon as we arrived the ground chan bombarded me with questions.
"Tell me now Hyung, why are you here?". He asked.

"Calm down kid it was your parents who sent me after hoshi , they want him dead since he's a threat to all of the lee clan and for me it's a mission and I never say no to a mission". I said.

"What! why do you want to kill hoshi Hyung? he's such a nice Hyung." He said making me scoff.

"Nice? Don't you know how many people of our clan he has killed?!". I said.

"But". He said probably not knowing of what to say.

"Well let's change the topic since I don't care about soonyoung anyways". Seokmin said.

"Really?! seokmin Hyung you too? he is not our enemy". Chan said.

"Chan no one there is our friend not even that choi or yoon or boo or chwe or any of them they are only nice to us here but in our world they could keep knives at our throat, don't believe them especially those Chinese they are the most dangerous". Seokmin said making me feel proud.

Really seokmin would make such a great leader for our clan rather than chan.

"Anyways why is no one here? I mean it is a class right?". I asked.

"For our school students P.E. is an excuse for a free period no one cares about sports except for school teams". Chan said making me nod.

"So Hyung do you think it'll be easy to eliminate hoshi?". Seokmin asked.

"Well obviously ot won't be easy but at the same time it won't be really difficult, since I really don't know what kind of person soonyoung is so I can't kill hoshi if I don't know the real him which is soonyoung". I said.

"Good strategy but Hyung Let me tell you something soonyoung tends to trust people faster whereas our hoshi is completely opposite so you can win his trust as jihoon but kill him as woozi". Seokmin said.

"Now that you mention it's a really great idea". I said.

"Can you guys stop!!'". Chan said.

"Chan hiw can you be the heir if you are such warmhearted". I said.

"Hyung just please". He said as he stood up and began to leave.


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