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"Jihoon!! Jihoon!! don't take him please please!!!". I heard someone scream.

Suddenly I felt someone pick me up and It felt like the person was calm but I couldn't do anything so I started crying very very loudly.

I cried and cried my eyes out, until I fell asleep.

Suddenly everything changed and now I felt happy and everything felt very grand and rich. It was like a setup at a party,  I felt happy at that time I looked around me there were many familiar faces around me suddenly someone back hugged me, I looked up to see Soonyoung he lightly pecked my forehead.

I blushed and said "Soonyoung-ah what if someone sees us". I said.

What the fuck I promise I didn't say that it just I don't know how?

"Let them Hoonie, It's our last day anyways". He said.

Last day? What is he talking about? and also I was enjoying his back hug though.

"Yeah". I said. "But only if everything goes as planned". I again said and heard him hum.

What?!!  how am I saying something I don't know I am saying?

After a while most of the people left the grand hall and it was mostly empty only the familiar faces were left.

There was Kwon Seohyun- the leader of kwon clan, Sakura Mikami -the manager of kwon Clan and also as soonyoung says his sister ,some assassins of the kwon clan.

Also there was The lee's? I mean what is happening here and where am I?

Suddenly all my body felt numb and all I saw was blur.
Suddenly I heard lots of shouting from soonyoung but I couldn't hear them properly.
Then I heard a really really loud scream from Sakura "SOONYOUNG!!!!" She screamed.


I suddenly shot up from my bed and looked around at the surroundings, it was uncle yoongi's home I mean mine.
It was just a nightmare, just one nightmare.

Suddenly the door open and it revealed uncle yoongi and uncle Hobi.

"Good morning jihoon". Hobi uncle said.

"Morning uncles". I said rubbing my eyes.

"Wash up kid, breakfast is ready". Uncle yoongi said walking out with Hobi uncle following from behind.

I lazily got up and went towards the bathroom but the dream still not leaving my mind.

What was that dream exactly?

After breakfast I went in my room to get ready to meet soonyoung, Suddenly my phone vibrated.

1 message from 10:10Soonyoungie♡

-Morning, Jihoon-ah! did you had a good sleep?

I tbh I didn't had that
much of a good sleep,
did you sleep last night?

-Aww! why didn't you had
a good sleep and yes after
listening your calm voice
I immediately fell asleep♡.

-That's good to hear!
and i'll tell you at the café .

-Ok meet you there in
half an hour, love you♡


Did he really send me an I love you? why does he acts like ny boyfriend oh my god
no!no!no! The feelings are coming back, dammit Kwon Soonyoung you really do know how to make me go crazy don't you?

-O-Oh I'm sorry jihoon, that I don't why I sent that.

-Oh let's
forget about this now
and just meet at the
coffee shop ok?

-Yeah ok bye.


I reached the café exactly at 12 and now I was waiting for Soonyoung.

"Jihoon-ah". Someone said from behind making me turn around.

"Oh Soonyoung-ah hello". I said waving at him.

"Hello Jihoon!". He said excitedly while taking a chair and sitting down.

I smiled at him.

"So jihoon tell me why couldn't you sleep?". He asked while leaning on the table.

"Oh soonyoung I had a dream or more like a nightmare last night I and then I explained to him about the nightmare.

"Oh jihoon I pecked your forehead? and Seohyun and Sakura were there?". He asked.

"Yeah you did and they were there". I said.

"What was your reaction to the peck?". He asked eagerly.

"Well in the dream I was blushing and when you back hugged me I kept my hands on yours". I said while blushing.

"Really?!!!". He squealed really loudly making the other people look at us.

"Oh my god soonyoung calm down, let's go outside these stares are killing me". I said.

"ok". He said.

"So you only care about the peck not the rest of the dream?". I asked as we came outside.

"Oh no no , I do care I mean you don't need worry Jihoon-ah nothing will happen to me". He said pulling me into his embrace.

He really does likes to hug, doesn't he?

I hummed and said "I hope this is true because first time in my life I want to believe someone". While wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Believe me Jihoon, I won't let anything happen to you". He said as he caressed my hair.

"You know Soonyoung you are really really different from hoshi in the underworld, everybody says that you are really scary but to me you don't appear scary even a bit and I really like this version of you". I said in his chest as my head was at his chest.

He just hummed in reply and still caressing my hair.


A short update for my hopes!!


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