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KWON SOONYOUNG (this was new to me)

"So who is coming with me to pick the rings?" I asked.

"Me, just me." Jeonghan hyung said.

Huh? that seemed familiar for some reason.

"Oh ok." I said.

"I want to too." Sakura jumped.

"You can come too mimi ." I said.

She smiled widely.

"So we should get started, shall we mingyu hyung?" Chan asked mingyu who was ready with balloons in his hand.

"What exactly will you guys will do?" I asked pointing at them.

"We'll decorate the practice room for the proposal, duh." He said.

"Uhm." I said unsure if they'll even do it properly or not.

"Don't worry soon, we'll handle everything you go ahead." Jun said.

"Ah ok, I gues we'll leave then." I said as me, sakura and hannie hyung left for the jewellery store.


"Uncle I am home." I said while entering and closing the door afterwards.

"AHHH." I heard a kid's scream from the living room.

When I got there I saw uncle taeyong playing with a kid while uncle yoongi was talking to a man.

"Umm uncle?" I said.

"Jihoon!!" Taeyong uncle exclaimed as he placed the kid on tbe couch as came towards me for a hug.

"Hey uncle." I greeted him.

" Jihoon! meet my husband and kid, this is lee Jaehyun my husband and your uncle." He said as the man who was talking to uncle yoongi now waved at me.

I waved back with a smile.

"And this-." Uncle taeyong got cut off as minhyung hurriedly ran to me and hugged my legs.

I looked down at him and smiled as he let go.

" Hello minhyung-ah." I said while smiling and taking my hand out for him to shake.

"Hellooooo." He cutely said or more like sang while shaking my hand.

"Do you like chewing gum?" I asked as soon as I remembered I have some with me.

"Yayyy chew chew chew chew chewing gum." He started to sing.

"He loves gum, he sings that line whenever chewing gum is mentioned." Uncle taeyong let out a laugh.

"Ha. I should have bought more if you told me," I said.

"Na, it's ok." He said while picking up minhyung who was cutely chewing his gum.

"So I heard you're pregenant?" Uncle jaehyun said.

I nodded.

"Do you know how to handle kids?" He asked.

"No." I let out a laugh while rubbing my neck's nape.

"You can babysit minhyung." He said.



"Hey mimi." I said.

"Yeah?" She looked at me as we entered the jewellery store.

"You know you could have stayed at the practice room and helped in the decorations." I said.

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