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"So how was your day?". Uncle yoongi asked as we were seated on the dining table.

"It was really really great". I said while smiling.

"What's with the smile, huh kid?". He asked as he slurped in his ramyeon.

"Nothing uncle yoongi, I can't even smile huh?". I asked.

"It's not that you know, you are just not that type of person who smiles often". He said.

"Yeah I am that type of person, but I guess I have found a reason to change that". I said but whispered the last part.

"What was it again?". He asked while standing from the chair.

"Nothing, so how are you and uncle hobi?". I asked.

Yes I am a sope shipper.

"Great, maybe he'll come home today". He said while doing the dishes.

"Oh yeah? well tell him I said hi, because I am going to sleep". I said while walking towards my room.

"Yeah, night kid". He said.

"Good night uncle yoongi". I replied.

When I reached my room, I got ready for bed and after 10 minutes I laid on my bed.
When I suddenly heard my phone vibrate.

1 message from -10:10Soonyoungie♡

Now don't get me wrong I wanted to name his contact like this ok, so don't judge me.

- Hey jihoonie!!

-Hey soonyoung or hoshi since
your not at school so I
don't know what to call you,well
who are you right now?

-Don't worry for you I'm always Soonyoung♡, I'll never hurt nor let anyone do,ok?

-Oh um thank you soonyoung.

Fuck. These feelings keep coming back this is the third time in this day and it only happens around him.

-So I also wanted to ask you
if you want to go on a date
like you know that like we went to
the café today since its summer
and I thought you'll be bored.

-Sure. But don't you have
missions and meeting since
its summer break.

-Oh! yeah but the kwon clan
has many assassins to take
my place though and as for
meetings I can postpone It right?

-Oh ok then I'll meet you at
the café then :).

10:10Soonyoungie ♡

Then we texted each other for hours and I didn't even realised that it's already been three hours.

-Oh my! Soonyoung it's 12 already
you have to go to sleep.

10:10Soonyoungie ♡
-Aww! but there is one thing I didn't tell you though, I can't sleep.


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