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"You guys are freaking cute! Oh my fuck!!" Seungkwan exclaimed as he entered on the practice room while soonyoung was kissing me.

"Why the fuck did they had to come now." Soonyoung whispered angrily in my ear while pulling away.

I chuckled.

"You guys-" Jeonghan said while pointing at us. "Can fuck later, we need to practice."

"Yeah Yeah." Soonyoung said as everyone nodded and got ready for practice.

"Neowa na ireoke duriseo Uh,
Going we're going
Neowa na duri,
Going we're going
Ireoke duri,
Going we're going." The song blasted in the practice room as everybody danced to the rythym.

"Fuck fuck fuck, I am tired." Seungkwan layed on the ground after the song was over.

"Baby~." Vernon whined as he layed down beside his over-exhausted boyfriend.

"What?" Seungkwan asked while turning towards vernon.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say hi." Vernon giggled.

Seungkwan laughed at his boyfriend's cuteness and cupped his face while kissing him.

I was giggling lightly while watching the whole scene.

"Soonyoung's friends are really cute." I whispered to myself.

Suddenly someone turned me around and kept his hands on my arms.

That someone was the one only our babygirl's prince.

"Baby, they're your friends too." He said while rubbing our noses together.

Such a clingy little baby.

"Yes, but you know I am Still not used to this "friends" relationship you all have." I told.

"Why?" He asked.

"I never really had a friend baby, so I am not used to this." I said.

"It's ok they are and always will be your friends." He said while giving me a peck.

"clingy asses." I heard chan whisper to himself as he was eyeing his hyungs who were busy in each other, he sighed while plopping down on the bare floor.

"Everyone gather around." Seungcheol said as he was dragging a clingy Jeonghan wrapped around him.

"So?" Chan asked cocking up an eyebrow eying his Seungcheol hyung as everyone was seated in a circle.

"Oh yeah we wanted to ask you guys about your future." He said while pointing at us.

"My babies?" Soonyoung said as caressed my cheek then he caressed my tummy.

"Yup you, Jihoon and your baby." Jeonghan said.

"It's babies not baby." Soonyoung said.

"Babies? you guys have twins?" Jeonghan asked.

We nodded.

"Congrats!!" He said while placing an comforting hand on both our cheeks caressing them while the others nodded with bright smiles on their faces.

"Thank you~~." We said.

"Anyways, so have you guys planned something for the future?" Seungcheol asked again.

"Well," Soonyoung started.

"I don't want to keep my babies in the underworld, I'll never risk that so nowadays I am planning something to get out of here." He said.

Underworld ➸ SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now