Chapter 3

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"Niall." I breathe.

I can't believe he is here. Why is he here? If he is here then where are the rest of them? Niall grins and walks closer to me.

I take a step back. "What are you..uh..what are you doing here?" I whisper afraid my voice will break if I talk any louder.

"We're on tour. This is one of our stops." Niall stops walking.

"Oh. Cool." I reply.

No, no, no. All the memories are coming back to me. Every good memory that we all had together. All the amazing memories with Liam. With Megan. I was doing okay without seeing them. Now Niall is here and all the memories are rushing back.

"How have you been?" Niall grips the plastic bag in his hand.

"Great." I lie. "I..Uh..I have to go." I pay for stuff and grab my bag before walking past Niall. I make my way outside and halfway to Connor's car.

"Wait! Tori!" Niall calls after me.

I stop walking and turn to face him. "Niall, please." I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. "I can't do this. It hurts too much."

Niall's face softens. "He misses you. We all miss you."

"Niall." I plead, wishing him to stop speaking.

"Can we hangout? Just you and me? No one else." Niall takes a small step forward. The light from the lamp post brightens his face up more, showing me how sad he looks.

"I don't think that's-"

"Please." Niall sticks out his bottom lip.

"Fine." I sigh, giving in. "Don't tell anyone about this!" I point my finger at him.

Niall breaks out in a big grin. "I won't! Just you and me! We can go to Starbucks! Is two, okay? We have an interview at noon."

"That's fine." I agree.

"I've missed you!" Niall rushes forward and pulls me against his body.

I've missed Niall's hugs. He always gave the best hugs. Liam's hugs were better, but Niall came a very close second. Wait! No! Bad Tori! Do not think about the jerk that should not be named. I push Niall away gently to see his smile fall. Oh. Now I've hurt his feelings.


Niall furrows his eyebrows together. I am going to kill Elena when she is sober tomorrow. Her hangover will probably do that before me.

"Um. That's my best friend. College parties aren't good for her." I glance over my shoulder to see Connor driving up to Niall and I.

"Tori!" Elena sticks her head out of the car window. "Connor said I'm a terrible singer! Tell him he's wrong!" She slurs.

"Connor is wrong, Elena. You have a great voice-"

"See! Tori says I'm great." Elena yells at Connor.

"You have a great voice when you're not drunk. You're absolutely terrible when you are drunk." I finish.

"That hurts! It hurts right here." Elena points to her arm.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Tori." Niall starts backing away. "You seem to have a long night ahead of you."

I watch Niall walk over to his car. I can't believe I agreed on meeting up with him tomorrow. Stupid, stupid me. What if it is just a trick? No, Niall wouldn't do something like that to me.

"Are you going to get in the car?" Connor's voice snaps me from my thoughts.

"Sorry." I apologize and climb in the car.

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