Chapter 23

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"Um. Could you repeat the question?" I ask Liam, not sure if I heard him correctly.

The corner of Liam's mouth turns upwards. "Will you go out on a date with me?"

Okay. So, I heard Liam right. I didn't expect Liam to ask me this. I didn't think that Louis's plan would work. Was this Louis's plan? Did he plan to make Liam jealous or was this all Liam?

I notice the small smile on Liam's lips disappear and gets replaced with a frown. Why is he frowning? He shouldn't be frowning. I don't like when Liam frowns. He looks better when he is smiling. Liam gets a sad expression on his face. I automatically reach out and place my hands on his face. I smooth out the wrinkles in his forehead with my thumbs.

"Don't frown. Why do you look sad?" I ask him.

"You haven't answered me yet." Liam whispers, quietly.

Answer him? Oh! I haven't answered his question yet! No wonder he looked sad! I would be to if I was in his position.

"Yes." I answer with zero hesitation.

A huge grin spreads out across on Liam's face. Good. He's happy again. I hate seeing him upset. When he is upset it's like a small part of me dies inside. It's terrible.

Liam leans close to me, our heads almost touching. Is he about to kiss me? I've heard about people kissing on the first date, but never before. Liam grabs my hands, that were still resting on his face, and holds them in his. I've missed being this close to Liam.

"I'll pick you up at eight." He says, before kissing my cheek.

I nod my head, unable to speak. I'm going on a date with Liam. I only have a day to figure out what I'm going to wear. I don't have any outfits that are suitable for a date. I need Elena's help. She is going to freak out when she finds out about our date tomorrow.

"Let's go finish the movie." Liam stands up and holds out his hand.

I place my hand in Liam's with a small smile on my face. "One thing." I say as soon as he pulls me up. "Can we go back to being best friends again? Just for now. If something more happens between then it happens, but I hate these awkward moments that we have."

Before I can even blink, Liam pulls me against his chest with his arms wrapped around my waist tightly. "Liam!" I squeal.

"I've missed you so much!" He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck.

"I didn't go anywhere." I hug him back.

"You know what I mean." Liam releases his hold on me. He grabs my hand and leads me back to the living room.

Everyone is fast asleep. Elena is curled up against Drake's chest on the couch. Connor is snoring quietly. I smile at him on the couch. I'm glad we are on talking terms again. He's my best friend. I hate not talking to him.

"Everyone will be so excited when they find out we are going out on a date tomorrow." I whisper, not wanting to wake them up.

Liam lays down on the empty couch. "At least now, Louis can stop trying to make me jealous."

"So, you admit you were jealous?" I grin.

Liam grabs my hand and pulls me down on the couch with him. "Yes. I was jealous of Louis. He knew every way to make me jealous and it worked every time."

"Louis is my best friend. That's it." I reassure him.

Liam tucks a hair behind my ear. "I know that. It was just hard seeing him flirting with you. I know he would never like you. He's been in love with-" Liam stops talking immediately.

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