Somebody I Used To Know

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This class is so boring. All we do is listen to Professor Wales drone on and on about American History. That's it. Nothing else. On Friday's, he will give you the test which is kindergarten easy. It's literally impossible to fail this class.

I lean backwards with my back resting on the plastic chair. I stare down at my best friend Elena, who is sleeping on the table we share. A little bit of drool is on the table next to her mouth. I wrinkle my nose at the sight of the drool. Her black hair is fanned around her and covering part of her face.

I turn my head to the right to see my other best friend, Connor, passed out with his headphones in. Connor is your average good looking guy. He's one of those guys that you swear is a male model or gay because he is that perfect. Connor is one hundred percent straight, though. Trust me.

Connor has short, messy light brown hair that never goes in one direction. His eyes are a light blue green color that reminds me of the ocean. He has strong cheekbones that connect to a straight nose. All the girls at Princeton are after him. He's not one of those guys that are players. Connor actually respects girls.

I grab my cell phone from my bag on the table. Professor Wales doesn't care about phones. He probably doesn't care because he is eighty years old and as blind as a bat. He, also, is very hard of hearing. His hearing aid doesn't even help him. That explains why the entire class is either asleep or texting away on their phones.

I scroll through my contacts looking for a particular person. I find his name and send him a quick text. It's a pretty short text considering I only said that I was bored. He should answer. He doesn't have a class right now.

'Pay attention in class then.' Drake texts back immediately.

'Its too boring. Even Elena fell asleep. Did you know your girlfriend drools?' I kick my feet up on the table.

'I know she does. It's cute.'

I mentally gag at that thought. How can someone drooling be cute? That's just disgusting.

'Come to class.' I change the topic.

There is only thirty minutes left of this class, but that seems like forever. This is what I do every day in this class. Normally, I bring some Starbucks or McDonalds with me. I was running late today, so I couldn't.

'I'm busy.' Drake texts back.

'Playing Call of Duty does not count as being busy.' I reply.

'Are you psychic?'

I laugh quietly. 'No, I just know my best friend.'

'You owe me for this.' Drake sends back.

'For what?' Drake doesn't text me back. I owe him for what? He didn't do anything.

I nudge Elena in the side and sit up straight. She rubs her eyes and lifts her head up.

"How long til we leave?" She yawns, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket.

"Twenty minutes." I answer, shaking Connor's shoulder gently. "Connor, wake up."

Connor slowly opens his eyes. He pushes his head off the table and yawns. "Is it lunch time yet?"

"We had lunch three hours ago." I remind him, putting my phone in my pocket.

Connor frowns and checks his cell phone. "Oh. Well, we should go out anyways."

"I like the sound of th-" Elena starts.

The classroom door swings open with a loud bang. Everyone stops talking immediately, suddenly interested in what's going on. Professor Wales turns to look at the person that entered the room.

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