Chapter 7

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I decided on not seeing Megan. I had enough stress for one day. If I had gone to see her then there was the chance that Liam would have been there. I may know the real reason he broke up with me, but I am not prepared to see him yet. Maybe one day in the future.

I didn't have any other plans for the day, so I decided to go to Joey's apartment. I didn't feel like going back to the apartment. Then I would have to deal with Megan trying to apologize to me and say that she didn't mean it. I don't have to work today. That means my afternoon is completely free.

I figured I would hang out with my almost boyfriend. I've really grown to like Joey a lot. He is just so sweet and caring. He's a really good boyfriend. Any girl would be lucky to have him. We still aren't officially dating, but I'm pretty sure it will happen soon. I can't mope around about Liam forever. Yeah, I still love him, but I highly doubt he loves me anymore. I just need to move on. It's for the best.

After I dropped Louis off at his hotel, I drove to Joey's. It was a short twenty minute drive. It started to sprinkle on my way over. I guess it's a good thing I got to Joey's before the storm hit. I hate driving in the rain. The roads are always so slippery.

I toss my hat in the back seat. If it is about to rain I'm going to want a jacket. I grab my black hoodie I keep in my car for days like this. I pull it on over my tank top. I step out of my car into the light sprinkle. A loud clap of thunder makes me run towards the building. I swing open the door and stop once I'm inside. I shiver from the change of temperature.

What floor did Joey say he lived on? I think he said the fifth floor. I look down the hallway for the elevators. I spot a sign that says elevators near the end of the hallway on the left side.

The elevator ride is rather boring. It has that lame elevator music that practically puts you to sleep. Every time I go in an elevator I think of the ride Tower of Terror. It's not the best thing to think of when the elevator is going up. Let's just say I had a tight grip on the hand rail.

The elevator let's out a ding as it reaches the fifth floor. I've been to his apartment once. It's pretty decent. It has two bedrooms and one bathroom. His kitchen is the normal size for an apartment. It's the perfect size for one person.

I knock on his door and wait for an answer. His car was in the parking lot. He has to be here. I knock on his door a little louder than before. I hear some shuffling coming from inside the apartment. I knew he was here. The door clicks and then pops open.

Joey sticks his head out of the door only showing the upper part of his body. A few buttons are undone on his shirt, showing his chest underneath. His hair is all disheveled and his face is slightly pink.

"Tori." His eyes widen just enough for me to notice. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come and hang out with you." I grin, trying to ignore his odd appearance. "Are you busy?"

Joey glances over his shoulder. "Uh. Yeah. I'm really busy at the moment." He looks back at me.

"Oh." I frown. "Sorry."

Joey sighs and steps out in the hallway, shutting the door behind him. "What are you doing tomorrow?" He runs a hand through his hair.

"I have classes until two." I answer.

Joey advances closer to me. "Why don't we hang out after? We can go see a movie or something. I'll pick you up."

"Okay." I grin.

Joey leans down and kisses me. "It's a date."

"Babe, who's at the do-" A petite girl opens his apartment door, wearing a pair of short shorts and a white tee shirt. She has medium length strawberry blonde hair and light blue eyes that almost look hazel.

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