Chapter 4

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"Before you murder me let me explain!" Niall push his chair back away from me.

"I told you not to tell anyone!" I stand up, angrily.

"Calm down, love." Louis pushes me back in my seat. "Niall didn't tell me about meeting up with you."

"Then why are you here?" I complain, sitting back down with my arms crossed.

Louis sits down in the chair against the wall. "I was watching tv in the hotel last night when Niall got back after going to the store. He came back with a huge grin on his face and starting doing his happy dance."

"I thought he was sleeping." Niall blushes.

"So, I asked him what he was so happy about." Louis continues. "He said he found a sale on some candy at Target. Then about an hour ago, I see him leaving the Interview when it was done. I thought he was coming to meet a secret girlfriend or something."

"So you follow him?" I ask. That sounds exactly like something Louis would do.

"I had nothing better to do and it gave me a perfect reason to wear my mustache." Louis pulls out a mustache from his shirt pocket.

Oh wow. Only Louis.

"Why do you have a mustache?" I grab it from his hand.

"Why not?" Louis snatches it back and puts it on.

"Normal people don't carry fake mustaches around." I smile at me, trying to hold in my laughter. I take a quick picture of him with it on.

His fake mustache isn't just a regular mustache. It's one of those handlebar mustaches where it hangs down by your mouth. Sad thing is it actually looks kind of real. If you were standing a few feet away you would think Louis had a mustache. He looks absolutely ridiculous with one, though.

Niall leans forward and yanks the fake mustache off of Louis. Louis's right hand covers his mouth. That look liked it hurt. Niall places the mustache on and grins at me. I burst out in a fit of giggles. Niall looks even funnier with a mustache. I grab my phone and take a quick picture of him. These boys aren't supposed to have mustaches. They cannot pull it off.

"Promise me you two won't grow out mustaches." I put my phone in my lap.

"Why not?" Louis pouts. "I thought I looked sexy."

I shake my head vigorously. "You consider this sexy?" I show him his picture on my phone.

"Damn sexy." Louis winks at his picture.

"A mustache can make anyone sexy." Niall looks at his reflection in the window nearby.

I reach out and peel the mustache off of Niall's face slowly. I don't want to yank it off like he did to Louis. Then Niall would end up pouting and I would feel bad. Curse me being a good person. Once the mustache is off of his face, I put it on mine. I smooth it out and grin at the boys. How do guys deal with this? It feels like a squirrel's tail is laying on my face. I wiggle my nose trying to get used to the feeling.

"Do I look sexy?" I flutter my eyes at them.

Niall starts laughing loudly. If he gets noticed by any girls I'm going to kill him. I don't feel like running from any fan girls today. They probably wouldn't be excited to see me anyways. They all hate me for the break up even though it wasn't my fault.

"I like girls with mustaches." Louis winks at me.

"Don't start saying that. All your fans will start getting mustaches like when you said you like girls who eat carrots on the X Factor." I tell him.

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