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It's been a week. My mom has been gone for a week. I'll never see her again.

Instead of pushing everyone away, I kept them close. Liam hasn't left my side once. Everyone keeps popping their heads into my room. My mom's funeral was three days ago. We left New York the next day. Washington is pretty calm and quiet. Liam hasn't sang at any of his concerts. I told him he needs to go, but he refuses to leave me alone. I'm secretly happy that he won't leave.

A soft knocks comes from our bedroom door and Louis pops his head in. "Can I talk to you?" He runs a hand through his already disheveled hair.

I push myself up from Liam's chest. "Of course, Louis." I motion for him to come in.

Liam leans against the headboard and loosely places his arms around my waist. Louis climbs on the bed with on and sits near the end. He runs another hand through his hair. A small sigh escapes from his lips as he lifts his head to look at me.

"What do you want to talk about?" I question him.

"It's about a girl." Louis says, quickly.

A girl? Is this the same girl that Liam told me about?

Louis exhales. "We used to date three years ago. She went on tour with Olly Murs three years ago. She told me that she wanted to break up until she came back a year later, but then she was offered her own tour after that. It's been a three years since I've seen her and I'm still in love with her. I never got to tell her that because she broke up with me before I could."

"What's her name?" I ask him, suddenly very interested in finding out more.

"Carter Shay."

I furrow my eyebrows together. "Didn't she come in fourth place on the X Factor?"

Liam nods his head. "She told all of her fans to vote her off because she thought Matt, Rebecca, or One Direction deserved to win more."

"I remember her!" I snap my fingers in realization. "She was forced to go on the show by her best friend. Megan wanted to get tickets to her tour when we found out she was touring the States."

Louis nods his head, sadly. "Yeah. On her tour, she meet this guy and they had been dating for the past year." He glares at the wall. "I saw on Twitter that they just broke up. I want her back."

"Are you willing to do whatever you have to, to get her back?" I reach for Louis.

"Of course." He replies, instantly. "I love her."

I hold up my pinky finger. "I promise to help you get Carter Shay back."

Louis immediately interlocks pinkies with me. "Thank you."


Author's Note:

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is short, but it is all I needed. The story is over. I will be writing a sequel. I promise.

Now if you have not read Rockstar then I suggest you go to that, so you will understand more about Carter.

I've always wanted to combine two of my books together and now I have the perfect chance to! :) I truly hope you guys will like it.

I don't know when I will start the sequel. Maybe around Christmas or beginning of January? I'm not completely sure.

Question...What was your favorite part of this whole story and why? And, don't say that you loved all of it. You must have a favorite.

So, yeah! :)

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