Chapter 5

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It's been a week since our first date. So far we have been on three. We're not officially together because I'm still a little worried about getting into another relationship. I can't believe I actually thought he was cocky and annoying. Joey is quite the gentleman. I was pretty shocked by how he has been acting this week. He is so nice and sweet.

"Here you go, miss." I hand the customer her change.

"Thank you." She drops the quarters in her wallet and walks away with her coffee in her hand.

I've been at work since eight in the morning. Elena doesn't have to work today so I'm basically alone. The only people here, besides me, is the two bakers in the kitchen and one other worker. We aren't really friends. We keep our distance from each other. Mostly because she is a fan of One Direction and thinks I broke Liam's heart. I learned that on my first day here and I have managed to avoid her at all costs.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. I glance around the shop to make sure everyone is okay. I slide my phone out of my pocket and check my text messages.

One text from Elena.

Two texts from Connor.

One text from Joey.

Four texts from Louis.

How did Louis get my number? I never gave him my new number. He must have put his number in when he was on my Twitter last week. I really need to put a lock on my phone. Then no one can get on it. Especially Louis.

The bells above the door chimes as a new customer strolls in the bakery. I put my phone back away after checking Elena's and Connor's text. I stand behind the cash register and look at the customer.

The person is in a large brown coat that reaches their knees. Bright red skinny jeans are shown underneath the coat with dark blue Toms on their feet. The guy has black Ray Bans on his face with a mustache like the French have. He even has a black fedora on his head.

Is this what hobos look like now?

"How are you doing, pretty lady?" He says in a heavy Southern accent.

Oh goodness. He is one of those older guys that flirts with younger girls. He's a male cougar. Just my luck.

"Uh. Can I take your order?" I change the subject.

"What would you recommend?" He winks.

For you to go away.

"The vanilla latte is pretty good." I say instead.

The odd hobo leans forward on the counter. "If I buy two will you join me?"

Creeper alert! I casually step backwards away from the creepy man.

"No." I shake my head. "I'm working."

The guy smiles at me. "That's okay. I'll wait for you."

Okay. I am officially creeped out. Why can't Elena be here with him to help me get out of this situation? I'd feel better with Joey here. I'd feel better with Louis here.

"Uh. I'm going to go do something in the back that is really important." I back away from him. "Olivia! Can you take his order? I..Uh...I have to pee." I tell the other worker.

Olivia looks at the guy with distaste, but walks over to the cash register. The creepy guy watches me practically run to the back room away from him. Why did I have to attract the weirdo? He is going to wait for me. That is beyond creepy!

I take out my phone and call Joey. There is no way I am leaving this place by myself. I only have thirty minutes left. I don't doubt that Creeper will still be here.

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