Chapter 31

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"Liam!" I whine, reaching for my boyfriend as he passes me with his luggage.

He glances down at me with a smirk on his face. We've been at the airport for the last twenty minutes. Our plane is running late to get ready for passengers to board, so all of us are waiting by the terminal entrance, and I decided to lay on the floor. I was just too lazy to sit in an actual chair.

"What?" Liam hands his luggage over to a worker.

"Come lay with me. This floor is hard and your chest will be used as a good pillow." I pat the ground next to me.

"What will I use as a pillow then?" Liam raises one eyebrow at me as he walks over to where I am laying on the floor.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. You're a smart boy. You'll figure it out."

"Is Tori asking for a cuddle partner?" Louis sits up straighter in his chair.

I roll over on my stomach to see Louis grinning at me. "Louis, can I use you as a pillow? My boyfriend is being mean." I pout, sticking my bottom lip out.

Louis jumps out of his seat and onto the floor next to me. I roll back over on my back, happily. If Liam won't lay with me then I'll just use one of my best friends. Liam wraps his hands around Louis's ankles and drags him away from me. Louis claws at the carpeted floor dramatically.

"Flight 129 to Washington is now boarding. Flight 129 is now boarding." A female voice says over the intercom.

"That's us!" Zayn hops to his feet.

"Come on, love." Liam reaches down for me.

I place my hand in his, allowing him to pull me to my feet. "Time for a three hour plane flight."

"Aren't you excited?" Louis sets his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. "You get to sit next to me for the next three hours!"

"Oh yay!" I fake enthusiasm.

Louis chuckles at me as he leads into the terminal. Liam grabs my hand in his. I'll probably fall asleep on this plane ride. Three hours with nothing to do. I'm not a fan of being on a plane either. Turbulence scares me. Liam leads me to our seats in the middle of the plane. He sits down by the window, knowing that I won't want to.

"Here." Liam hands me his iPhone with black headphones attached to it.

I grab them and smile at him. "Thanks."

"I know how you don't like planes." Liam tells me.

"I'm so hungry!" Niall complains, settling into his seat in front of me. "Tori, do you have any food?"

I shake my head. "Ask a flight attendant."

"Why do we have to get on a flight at midnight? We will land in Washington around three in the morning." Connor complains from the seat behind me.

"For one thing, it was cheaper. The other thing is that less fans will be at the airports." Zayn explains to everyone.

"True, but we are on a airplane at midnight. I would rather deal with fans. I should be sleeping." Elena kicks the back

of my chair, annoyed.

I spin around in my chair to face her. "If you kick my chair the whole ride, I will tweet that one video of you drunk at your first college party." I threaten her.

Elena's mouth drops open. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." I smirk at her.

We stare at each other for a few minutes before she takes her feet off my chair. I knew I would win. That night was extremely embarrassing for Elena.

"What did you do?" Louis glances at the two of us.


"Nothing!" Elena interrupts me. "I didn't do anything. Right, Tori?"

I nod my head. "Right. The only thing that she did was get so drunk that she peed herself when we stopped at a gas station, then she flirted with a cop that was in her forties. We had to explain to the cop that she went to her first party and we were taking her home." I say as fast as I can.

"Tori!" Elena yells.

The guys erupt in laughter around me. Elena turns bright red and buries her face in her face. The guys would have found out eventually. Drake and Connor already knew about that night. They were there when it happened. Elena was the only one that drank that night. I was the one that filmed the whole thing.

"That is hilarious!" Louis clutches his stomach, laughing loudly.

"I have to see that video!" Harry looks over at us from his seat.

Elena groans in embarrassment. She is going to kill me later. Oh well. It was so worth it. Elena lifts her face up to stare at me. Oh no. I know that look.

"Well, Tori and I stopped at McDonald's one morning before class to get some food. When we got to the class, our professor asked why we were late and Tori forgot she had food in her mouth, and spit all over him when she explained to him why we were late." Elena smirks.

"Elena!" I stare at her with wide eyes.

"What?" She smiles at me innocently.

I narrow my eyes at her. "About two months ago, Elena decided to do a one woman flash mob at the mall and accidentally hit an old man, causing him to fall into the fountain. He tried to hit her with his cane when he finally got out."

"I didn't mean to!" Elena defends herself.

"It still happened!" I remind her.

"Calm down, girls." Zayn glances between the two of us nervously.

Does he think we are mad at each other? We are just joking around. We both want to get the last word in. After a few moments of silence, Elena and I burst out laughing. A flight attendant makes her way over to us and asks us to quiet down. Oops. Guess we were too loud.

"You two are weird." Louis comments, laying back on his seat.

I place my headphones in my ears and lean my seat back. If I'm going to be on this plane for the next three hours then I'm going to sleep. I press the shuffle button on his phone. This Song Is About You by Olly Murs starts playing as I snuggle up against Liam.

"Don't wake me up when we land." I warn him. "I'll be really grumpy if you do."


Author's Note:

Not as long as I wanted, but it's better than nothing. I hoped you liked it.

If you guys could do me a favor and go check out Beautiful Liars by @AnnikahSkigh. I'm helping her write it. I'm super excited for her to start it.

Question...Any heard of We Are The In Crowd?

I love that band! They are so good!

So, yeah!


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