Chapter 14

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"Joey!" I smile at my laptop screen.

I've missed seeing him everyday. It's been a week since we've been on tour. Joey and I have texted and called each other a lot. Louis and I made up. We can't be mad at each other for two long. He is my best friend. I've managed to avoid Megan this whole week. I've mostly been hiding out in my bunk.

Connor is still not talking to me. It is absolutely killing me. He's my other best guy friend. I hate when he ignores me. I planned on forgiving Elena today. I've been putting it off, but I'm doing it today.

Joey smiles back at me. "Hey, Tori."

All of the guys, including Connor and Drake, went to the recording studio about three hours ago. Elena is chilling out in their tour bus for the day. Apparently, Megan is around somewhere. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm going to have to deal with her eventually. Harry told me that they are still going strong.

"How's the tour going?" Joey asks me.

"Eh. It's alright. There was a little drama in the beginning. Everything is fine now." I keep it simple. There is no need to go into detail.

"Do you mind telling me why we support Tori is trending? It's mostly One Direction fans, so I'm assuming it's you." Joey holds up his phone and shows me the trend.

I gasp at the trend. Why am I trending? I didn't do anything. Now all the fans support me when they have been hating me for the past year? That doesn't make any sense. What did the guys do? They must have done something.

"When did this start?" I grab my phone from the table.

"A few hours ago." Joey answers, setting his phone down.

A few hours ago and I'm still trending? That's crazy. Normally, trends don't last that long.

I open up my Twitter account to see my mentions blown up. I scroll through them quickly. A lot of fans are apologizing for treating me the way they did. Others are saying that they have always supported me. I ignore Joey on the screen and go to Louis's twitter.

Oh my goodness.

The first tweet on his profile is saying how their fans need to stop sending me death threats. He says that I've done nothing wrong and he is extremely disappointed in their fans. Why would he do this? I told him not to. This will only make it worse. I scroll down more to see he retweeted the rest of the guys tweets.

Zayn tweeted about how all the fans need to stop sending me hate. He says that no one deserves to have this happen to them. Then Zayn wrote a really wise, deep quote that I'm not quite sure I understand.

Niall put that the fans need to leave me alone. He said that he saw how I've been reacting to the hate and said if they saw how I was, they would feel bad.

Harry tweeted that he hates seeing his best friend cry over the things that fans have been saying. Awh. Harry called me his best friend.

Liam's tweet is definitely my favorite. I wouldn't tell anyone that, though. Liam said that no Directioner would do this to me. He even put that he broke up with me instead of the other way around, and the fans can stop blaming me.

"When were you going to tell me that you are on tour with your ex boyfriend?" Joey's voice brings my attention back to him.

I drop my phone on the table. "I didn't know how to bring it up."

"Do you sti-"

"No!" I cut him off. "I have no feelings for him anymore." I lie.

I know I shouldn't be lying, but I don't want Joey to get upset. I'm trying to get over Liam anyways. I have Joey now. I'm perfect happy.

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