Chapter 22

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Liam rushes in the room in a pair of black sweats and a green shirt. I look up to his hair expecting to see it covered in honey. A gasp escapes my mouth when I see Liam's hair is a light shade of pink. I didn't want him to have pink hair. Why did he get in the shower right after Zayn?

"What the hell is this?!" He points to his pink hair, angrily.

Elena stares at me, worriedly. What are we supposed to say? I didn't think he would get this mad about it. It was supposed to be a friendly prank. That's it. It's only temporary. It some kid's version for dying their hair. It will only last a week.

"That's what I want to know!" Zayn yells back at him.

Liam gapes at Zayn's pink hair. Okay. Not gonna lie. Liam still looks really cute with pink hair.

"First the cookies, now pink hair. What did you two do when we were gone?" Connor turns to face us. He is struggling really hard not to laugh right now.

"Uhh. We got bored?" Elena scratches the back of her neck.

Liam and Zayn stare at each other. For a second, I thought they were staring at each other's hair, but then they both lunged for me. I attempt to dodge them, but Liam managed to grab my waist. He tosses me over his shoulder and holds me down.

"Liam!" I scream. "Let me down!"

"Not going to happen. If we have pink hair then so will you." Zayn opens the bathroom door for Liam.

"What?! No, no, no! I don't want pink hair!" I wiggle around, hoping his grip loosens.

Zayn shuts the door behind us and locks it. Now I can't escape. Why did they grab me? Why not Elena? She was apart of this whole prank night. So was Charlotte, but no one else knows that.

Liam steps in the shower and sets me down on my feet. He keeps one arm wrapped around my waist tightly. The other arm reaches for the hot water knob. I twist in his arm quickly. Liam's arm pulls me against his chest.

"Liam, please don't do it!" I plead, looking up at him.

Liam smiles down at me. Warm water pounds on my back, making me move even closer to Liam. He steps forward which makes me step backwards. The water flows right out of the nozzle on top of my head. I just stand there shocked for a minute. Liam's clothes instantly get soaked with water and clings to his body.

"Time to wash your hair." Liam grabs the shampoo bottle that has the pink hair dye in it.

I take another step back and leans up against the shower wall, where no water is hitting me. This isn't going to end well. Liam pours a large amount of shampoo in his hand. I'm going to lose either way. There is no way I am getting out of here. I turn my head to the side. Zayn is staring at his hair in the mirror. Maybe I can get out.

I push the shower curtain back and springs through. Zayn turns around quickly and sees me running for the door. Two arms snake around my waist before I can even reach Zayn.

Liam drags me back in the shower. "Good try."

"I would have made it if you hadn't grabbed me!" I squirm in his arms.

"Just accept your punishment!" Liam pushes against the back of my knees.

My knees give out. Liam rolls me over on my back and sets me on the shower floor carefully. He sits down on my upper legs with either leg on both sides of me. Liam leans forward to gather both of my hands in his left hand. The water is pounding against Liam's back and then hits me from different angles.

"This is just rude!" I struggle in his grip.

"I'm returning the favor." Liam smirks down at me.

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