Chapter 12

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I can't believe this is happening to me. Why did I agree to go in tour with Drake and Connor? Oh, that's right. If I didn't go with them, then they couldn't go on tour. Why did their manager's wife have to have her baby? Couldn't she wait a month or something? She has been waiting for nine months. One more month wouldn't be a problem.

Now I'm stuck touring with One Direction.

With Liam.

The boy that broke my heart.

The boy that I am still in love with.

But I won't admit it to anyone except for Louis and Connor.

I wonder if this whole tour thing has to do with Louis's plan to get us back together? There is no way he could have planned the manager's wife having a baby, though. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

I should be happy. Drake and Connor are opening for One Direction. That is incredible. Drake is already famous, but now everyone will know about their band. I hope they finally decided on a name. They have been trying to pick one for three months.

"We're here!" Elena grins.

I stare out the window of the limo. We had a limo come and pick us up at our apartment. One Direction's manager thought it would be better for us to come to them. We didn't pull up to the front of the hotel. We drove to the back to avoid fans and paparazzi. I can only imagine what all the fans will think when they see I'm touring with the guys again. They are going to hate me.

The driver opens the back limo door for us. Connor, Drake, and Elena climb out first. They are pretty pissed off at me. I wanted to say goodbye to Joey before we left, so I invited him over this morning. Connor almost punched him when he opened the front door to see Joey standing there. I had to explain to them that we were dating. Connor yelled at me saying how I couldn't trust him. When it was time for us to go, I was getting the silent treatment from the three of them. I don't know why they care so much. If I'm happy then they should be happy for me.

Everyone makes mistakes. Joey made a mistake and I forgave him. Now we are happily dating. End of story.

I climbed out of the limo to see two large tour buses parked next to each other. The first one has all five guys on it with the title of the band. The second bus is just plain black. That must be ours.

"Tori!" A loud voice comes from the first bus.

I shield my eyes from the sun to see Niall running towards me. He collides into making me fall backwards. I land on my back, but Niall places his hand on the back of my head from slamming it into the ground. I snake my arms around Niall's neck and hug him. I've missed him so much.

"Tori's back!"

I lift my head to see Zayn and Harry sprinting to where Niall and I are laying on the ground. I've never realized how much I missed these guys until now. Harry jumps on Niall's back. I groan in pain from the extra weight placed on me. Harry rolls off of Niall and pushes him out of the way.

"Harry!" I hug him.

"Move out of the way, Harry! I want to hug her." Zayn helps me stand up after peeling Harry off of me.

"Zayn!" I jump in his arms.

Zayn's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close to him. "I've missed you!" He kisses my cheek.

"Please don't say you hate us." Harry sticks out his bottom lip.

"Awh, Harry!" I let go of Zayn. "I could never hate you. It wasn't your fault that I left."

"But you said you hated us that night." Niall says, sadly.

I pull him into another hug. "I was really upset. I could never hate you guys. You are my best friends even if it has been a year."

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