Chapter 32

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"Are we there yet?" A loud Irish accent wakes me up from dreamless sleep.

A sigh comes from my left. "No, Niall. We have about an hour left."

Niall groans. "Can we stop somewhere? I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." A girl comments.

Why is everyone is my room? I cuddle against one of my pillows, pulling it closer to my body. My right hand slides down my bed, searching for my comforter. My hand pats the air unable to find my blanket. Where is it?

"What is Tori doing?" A familiar voice giggles from my right side.

"I think she is looking for her blanket." Another voice says.

"Stop talking! I just want to sleep." I reach my hand out to slap whoever was talking. My hand comes in contact with something hard and I hear someone groan. Target hit.

"Be thankful that we only have a few minutes left until we get to the hotel. Tori is a grump when she doesn't get enough sleep." Connor's voice registers in my mind.

My eyes flutter open slowly. We're not even at the hotel yet? I thought we arrived already. The first thing my eyes land on is Louis curled up on the limo's seat with his head resting on Zayn's shoulder. Zayn appears to be half awake while gazing down at his cell phone in his hands. I glance down to see I'm laying on Liam's chest. Oh. That explains why I was so comfy.

"What time is it?" I pull myself into a sitting position next to Liam.

"Three thirty in the morning." Liam answers, setting his head on my shoulder.

"Great." I complain. "Now I'll be awake all day."

Niall slouches in his seat. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine, Niall." I smile at him, warmly. "I could never be mad at you. You're like a little lost puppy in the rain when you're sad. That would break my heart."

Charlotte wraps her arms around Niall. "My little puppy. I should buy you a leash!"

A look of horror flashes across Niall's face. Oh my goodness. That would be hilarious. I could just imagine seeing Charlotte walking Niall on a sidewalk with a collar and leash around his neck.

"Speak boy." Charlotte points at Niall.

"I'm not barking." Niall shakes his head.

Charlotte pouts. "Fine. If you don't bark then you don't get to kiss me."

"What? That's not fair!" Niall exclaims with wide eyes.

Charlotte shrugs. "Then bark."

"Yeah. Go ahead and bark, Niall." Harry holds up his phone up to record him. "Make sure you howl."

"Not if you are going to film me." Niall crosses his arms against his chest.

"Then I'm not kissing you." Charlotte smirks.

"Just give in mate. I wouldn't be able to last long if Tori did that to me." Liam pulls me to his chest.

"I bet Niall could last a day without kissing Charlotte." I back Niall up.

"Let's make this interesting." Harry slides forward on the seat with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Which ever couple can last the longest without kissing each other is the winner. Whoever gives in has to temporary dye their hair bright blue."

I raise an eyebrow at Liam, questioning. "You up for it?"

Liam watches Niall and Charlotte discuss it. "I think that Niall will crack before I do. I'm in."

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