Chapter 10

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"You're such a loser!" I throw a skittle at Joey's face.

Joey dodges the candy. "I thought I was doing a good impression of him. All he did throughout the whole movie was stand there with his shirt off."

"I didn't mind." I giggle. "Jacob has a rocking body."

Joey glares at me playfully. "Why don't you date him instead of me?" He says with a smile.

"Nah. I'm okay." I hug Joey from the side. "But if he did ask me out. I would kick you to the curb." I joke.

"And the truth comes out." Joey shakes his head.

I laugh loudly and cross the street with Joey. We went out to see the new Twilight movie. I didn't really want to see it, but the movie we originally wanted to see was sold out. So, we decided to see Breaking Dawn part one. We picked the whole movie apart. It was a lot of fun.

"I'm Edward Cullen and I vant to suck your blood." Joey does a terrible impression and tries to bite my neck.

"I've been drinking vervain!" I push him away, playing along.

Joey pulls his head back. "Vervain?"

"Oops. My bad." I realize my mistake. "I'm thinking I'm The Vampire Diaries. It's much more believable."

"Are you obsessed with vampires? Are you going to leave me for a vampire?" Joey pouts.

I link my arm through his. "Only if it is Damon Salvatore. The rest all suck."

"So, I have a good chance of you never leaving me." Joey kisses my temple.

"I guess so." I agree with him. "Where exactly are we going?"

"That is a surprise." Joey smirks.

I groan. "No, I hate surprises. You should just tell me."

Joey shakes his head with a small smile on his face. It's been two days since I agreed on giving Joey another chance. I haven't regret it yet. I really like Joey. He helps me keep my mind off of Liam. No one knows I took him back. I figured I would tell Connor in a few days.

I don't really want to tell Louis. He will just freak out and then tell the rest of the guys. I don't want them to know. Louis would probably yell at me for getting back with Joey. I don't regret my decision. Joey is a great boyfriend except for the whole cheating thing. He has made it up to me.

"Can I get a hint?" I grin up at him.

Joey thinks it over for a second. "Candy." He smirks.

"Candy?" I question. "What about candy?"

"That's all you get."

I pout. Candy could mean anything. I hate surprises. They are the worst thing created. I follow Joey to a large store with letters hanging on the front. Sweet Tooth. It's a candy shop. That makes sense now.

Joey pulls me in the candy shop. Whoa. This is the biggest candy shop I have ever been in. Everywhere I look candy is on different shelves and stands. The walls are covered in candy. This should belong in Willy Wonka's factory.

I let go of Joey and run to a stack of candy in the middle of the store. Different flavors of chocolate are piled on each other. I think I'm in heaven. Joey walks over to me with a carrying basket in his hands. I gaze at the chocolate with a huge grin on my face.

"Get whatever you want." Joey motions to the candy.

"What? Are you serious?" I jump up and down like a little kid.

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