Chapter 25

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"Liam." I grin at him. "Did you do all of this?" I motion at Connor who is slowly walking away.

"I had some help." Liam hands me the red lily in his hand.

"You are truly amazing." I sniff the flower.

"Hungry?" Liam offers his arm.

I nod my head while I link my arm through his. He turns us around and we walk down a pathway. A few tea light candles are leading the way. As we get closer to the end, I see a bunch of candles laying on something. I glance up at Liam to see him smiling. Where are we going?

We step on a new pathway. I look down to see we are walking on a wooden dock. Why are we on a dock? Instead of asking Liam, I walk alongside him waiting until we get to the end. As we get closer, I notice the candles are surrounding a small round table in the middle of the dock. A small vase of lilies are in the middle of the table with two plates covered up.

I come to a stop and stare at everything ahead of us. Everything looks so familiar. I understand what Liam was trying to do. He recreated our first date. The dinner on the dock. Tea light candles. Instead of roses, there are lilies.

"Just like our first date." Liam smiles down at me. "Are you okay?" His smile slowly turns into a frown.

Liam must think I'm absolutely crazy because this whole scene has brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe Liam would do all of this for me. It's incredible. I can't believe I was thinking of not getting back together with him.

"Tori? You're worrying me? Do you not like it? Did I screw up? Please just say something." Liam's eyes are wide with worry.

I grab the front of his white button up shirt and pull him closer to me. Liam looks at me in confusion as I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. I didn't think that words would be able to explain how happy I am. I release Liam's shirt and move my hand up the the back of his neck. Liam gently kisses me back.

There is no one here to interrupt us.

I'm no longer dating that douche bag.

Nothing is in our way of being together. Unless he doesn't want us to date again, but by the way that he is kissing me, I would say he wants to be together.

We both pull away at the same time. Liam rests his forehead on mine. I have missed this boy way too much. How was I am to stay away from him for so long?

"I love you." I tell him, confidently.

Liam breaks out into a huge grin. "I love you, too. I always have."

Everyone is going to be so excited when we get back. Now Elena won't have to kill me. I know she would kill me if I came back from this date single. I would be murdered. Sweet, innocent little Charlotte would probably help her out. Louis would probably join in.

"What are you grinning about?" Liam raises his eyebrows at me.

"I'm thinking about how happy everyone will be. Elena can't murder me now." I giggle.

"Why would she murder you?" Liam straightens up and leads me over to the table.

"Elena would have probably murdered me if we came back not dating. I would be six feet under." I sit down in the chair that he pulled out for me. Such a gentleman.

"Who said anything about dating?" Liam says with a completely serious face.

My mouth pops open. Is he serious? Does he really mean that? Liam doesn't want to get back together? Why would he put so much effort into this date?

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