Chapter 33

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My mom's hand is limp and cold in mine. Charlotte, Elena, and I arrived here in the afternoon yesterday. Only one visitor is allowed in my mom's room at one time, so Charlotte and Elena are in the hospital's waiting room. I told them to go get a hotel room, but they refused to leave.

I have been waiting for my mom to wake up for the past twenty four hours. She hasn't moved at all and it is scaring me. What if she never wakes up? I don't want to lose my mom. She is all that I have left.

"Tori?" A quiet voice speaks.

I snap open my eyes to see my mom wide awake. "Mom!" I start crying.

"What happened?" She tries to sit up.

I place my hand on her shoulder, gently. "Don't move. You were in a car accident. I flew here as soon as I found out."

"Is Liam here?" Mom cranes her head to look around the room.

I shake my head. "No. I told him to stay at his concert in Washington. How do you feel?"

"Tired and sore." Mom tells me. "Am I okay?"

I grip her hand tighter in mine. "You broke your right leg in three places. Your right arm is broken. You broke four ribs that are by your heart. The doctors were scared that one of them would pierce your heart. You have a huge gash on your head. The doctor didn't think you would make it." I cry even harder. "But, you did."

"It's okay. I'm okay now." Mom tries to calm me down.

I press the red button for the nurse to come in. I lean over her bed to hug her. Mom is okay. She's alive. That's all that matters.

The door swings open and the doctor strolls in with a nurse following him. "Ahh! Good! You are awake! How do you feel? Oh, you have a visitor." He turns to face me.

"A visitor?" I frown.

"Yes." He nods. "Go see them while I do a check up on your mom." He motions for me to leave.

I stand up, quietly. "I'll be right back." I promise my mom.

"I'll be fine." Mom gives me a weak smile.

I step out of the room, quietly. Did the doctor really just kick me out? That's kind of rude. Oh well. He is the doctor and knows how to take care of mom. I should be thankful. They were able to save my mom when they didn't think she would make it. The white walls of the hospital continue down the hallway as I walk through them. I hate hospitals. Only sad things happen here. The only good things that happen are babies being born.

Three familiar voices catch my attention when I reach the waiting room. Charlotte and Elena are facing in my direction, talking to a guy. Who are they talking to? Elena points at me and the guy turn around.

"Liam?" I gasp, staring wide eyed at my boyfriend.

"How is she?" Liam pulls me into a hug.

I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder. "She just woke up. The doctor is doing a check up on her right now."

Liam squeezes me, tightly. "I was so worried."

I unwrap my arms and push him away. "What are you doing here?! I told you to stay in Washington. What about all of your fans?"

Liam grabs my face in his hands. "I couldn't let you deal with this on your own. We went to our first concert, but through the first song everyone could tell I was out of it. The guys told our fans what happened and then had them vote on whether I should stay or go. As you can see, they told me to go to you."

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