Chapter 15

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"Liam?" I gasp, recognizing the hunched over figure. "What did they do to you?"

Liam is sitting on the ground criss crossed with his hands behind his hands behind his back. A silver piece of duct tape is covering his mouth from saying anything. His hair is all disheveled, making him even cuter. No, don't think like that. He is wearing dark jeans with a purple jacket on. Why is he tied up?

"Why is Liam tied up in here?" I yell at the door.

"Once you two become friends or more than friends again, we will let you out." Louis shouts back.

I have the strangest friends.

"I have a boyfriend." I remind them.

"Then become friends again. We're tired of seeing you two avoid each other. You two used to be really close. Now become friends or you can stay in there." Zayn yells at me.

Wow. What a great set of friends I have. I hit the door in frustration. I told Louis that I didn't want to be alone with Liam. He just broke his promise. It's always awkward for an ex boyfriend and girlfriend to become friends again. They always say they will be friends, but neither of them mean it.

I spin around to see Liam staring up at me. I don't really want to be stuck in here all day. I sit down on the floor next to him. I should probably untie him. Liam looks pretty uncomfortable.

"Don't hate me for this." I peel a small corner of the duct tape up. "Like a bandaid." I whisper.

Liam nods. I grip the tape between my thumb and forefinger. I don't want to do this to him. It's really going to hurt. I pull the duct tape off as quickly as possible. Liam winces in pain.

"I'm sorry!" I apologize quickly. "You won't have to shave now." I joke.

"Can you untie me?" Liam asks.

"Sure." I breathe.

This is awkward. I make a joke and he doesn't even laugh. I hate Louis right now. Louis knows I still have feelings for Liam. Why would he put me in a closet with Liam? This will be beyond awkward. If we even do become friends, it will make everything even more awkward. The guys will make us hang out all the time. How will I be able to get over Liam if we are constantly hanging out?

I move to be behind Liam. I grab his tied up wrists and begin untying them. Wow. Doesn't this bring back some memories. Except last time, Megan kidnapped all of them. That was when everything was fine between us. We were best friends. The memories bring tears to my eyes.

Why did everything have to take a turn for the worst?

"There." I toss the rope in the corner of the closet.

I slide away from Liam and sit against the closet wall. Liam repositions himself and sits next to me. We sit in the silence unsure of what to say. I know we should start talking, but I don't know how to start.

"I don't hear any talking!" Louis bangs on the door.

Liam sighs. "I'm sorry for ignoring you."

"No, I'm sorry. I just don't know how to act around you anymore." I play with my fingers.

"Why don't we start over?" Liam suggests, sticking his hand out. "Hi, I'm Liam Payne from One Direction. My best friends are the four annoying lads in the other room. I would love to become friends with you again."

I place my hand in his. "My name is Tori Adams. I'm not in a band, but my best friends are. I would like to be friends with you too."

Friends. That's good. I can do this. This is step one of getting over Liam. I'm one step closer to being over him completely. I think. Then I can date Joey without having feelings for Liam. Everything will perfect then, right?

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