Chapter 30

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"Do you guys want to have some fun?" I sit down on the black bean bag in the boy's dressing room.

Tonight is their last concert here. After this concert, we are flying to Seattle, Washington. I've never been there before so I'm pretty excited. Drake and Connor already sang tonight. They went back to the hotel to pack all of their things because they didn't do it last night. The guys are on stage right now, singing Up All Night.

"What kind of fun?" Elena looks up from her cell phone with a sly smirk on her face.

"I'm having fun right here." Charlotte reaches for more chips from the glass bowl on the table.

Elena looks over at Charlotte, who is sitting next to the food table, and stuffing her face with all of the food. "You and Niall are perfect for each other."

Charlotte pulls the bowl in her lap. "Really? Why?" She grins, eating a chip.

"You are just alike." Elena points to the chip bowl.

Charlotte lowers her eyes to look at the chip bowl. "We both like chips?" She asks with a confused expression on her face.

"You both eat a lot." I explain to her.

"Oh. Gotcha." Charlotte realizes. "So, what kind of fun were you referring to?"

A mischievous grin makes its way onto my face. "Well, we could sit in here and be bored or we could go play some pranks on the boys during their concert."

Elena leans forward instantly interested in my idea. "What kind of pranks?"

"We should wait until they sit on the couch for one of their slower songs and dump ice cold water on them." Charlotte suggests, still eating the chips.

"We should get Nerf guns!" Elena adds. "With those darts in them." She holds her hands up like a gun and pretends to shoot it.

"Or water guns." I stand up, excitedly. "Okay, we need to do some quick shopping."

Elena pulls Charlotte to her feet. "Is there enough time? The concert just started. We would have to drive to a store, get our prank supplies, drive back, and then actually pull the pranks."

"I guess we should leave now then." I tell them, walking out of the dressing room and heading for one of the managers.

Charlotte grabs my arm and spins me around. "Where are you going? We need to go to the store."

I nod my head. "Which means we need a car."

"I'll take care of it." Elena walks backwards away from us. "I'll meet you guys in the back parking lot. I have a plan."

"No stealing!" I point my finger at her.

The corners of Elena's lips turn up. "I'm not going to steal. Give me ten minutes." Elena spin on her heels and walks away.

I glance at Charlotte. "Let's go."

Charlotte and I walk through the backstage area, looking for the exit to the back parking lot. Why is every arena we go to so big? I always get lost in them. Charlotte looks around for the exit sign. I lead her down another empty hallway. If I wasn't with Charlotte right now I would be freaked out. A long, dim hallway can freak anyone out.

"Finally." Charlotte breathes when we reach the end of the hallway.

A bright red exit sign is hanging above two double doors. We jog towards the door and burst through them. Bright sunlight blinds us, causing me to stumble backwards while covering my eyes. The sun is just about to set and it is shining right on us. I lower my eyes to let them adjust to the change of lighting.

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