Chapter 18

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I stir in my sleep when a hand brushes across my forehead. A warm pair of lips press against my forehead gently. I open my eyes to see Liam face inches away from me. The corners of Liam's mouth turn up. Did we fall asleep?

"How do you feel?" Liam whispers, brushing his fingers over my cheek.

"I'm not sure." I reply, honestly.

"Tori, I'm still in love with you. I never stopped." Liam stares at me in the eyes.

Woah. I was not expecting him to say that.

Wait. Liam still loves me? Liam still loves me! He loves me! Zayn was right. I grin at Liam. I would do a happy dance if I wasn't laying down on the couch in Liam's arms.

I watch Liam's face come closer and closer. Are we about to kiss? I push myself closer to him. Liam's eyes dart to my lips then back to my eyes. Liam places his hand on my cheek to pull me even closer. Just a little bit closer.


I ignore Louis's voice and enjoy the moment. My eyes shut at the same time as Liam's do. His breath fans across my face.


I lean closer to kiss Liam.

"Tori! Wake up!"

I jerk awake just as Liam was about to kiss me. My eyes adjust to the darkness in the room. Everyone is passed out on the floor. Niall is curled up on the couch on my left side, cuddling with a container of Pringles. I swear he loves food more than people. I look to the right to see Liam asleep on the couch right next to me.

"Ahh! Come on!" I complain, realizing it was all a dream. "I was just about to kiss-"

"What?" Louis whispers, cutting me off. "Who were you about to kiss?"

I shut my mouth quickly. That was close. "Um? My grandma? I was about to kiss my grandma goodbye in my dream?"

Louis raises an eyebrow at me. "Your grandma?"

I nod. "Yeah. Why did you wake me up?" I change the subject.

"You are still in your clothes. I figured you would to change." Louis offers me his hand. "And your stomach growled very loudly in your sleep."

"Help me up?" I ask, staring at everyone piled on the floor.

Harry is laying right in the middle with Megan curled up to his side. I'm glad they are still dating. They are absolutely adorable together. Zayn is sleeping near Harry's feet. There is no way I can get around them. Louis steps over Harry and reaches for my hand.

I grasp his hand and stand up on the couch. If I put my foot down, I will step on Harry's feet. I don't think he would appreciate that. Louis manages to wrap his arm around my waist to pick me up. We walk out of the room. Louis sets me back on my feet when we make it to the kitchen.

"So, whatcha gonna make me?" I pull the drawers out from under my bunk. I snatch up some random pajamas and carry them to the bathroom.

"Oh. You'll like it." I hear Louis say from the kitchen. "I was thinking some spaghetti with eggplant parmesan with cheese sprinkled on the top."

I change into the pair of black sweatpants and the green long sleeved shirt I grabbed. I brush my hair with a random brush I found on the counter. Probably Zayn's. Louis is moving around in the kitchen when I walk back in. I plop down in the booth across from the kitchen.

"Bon appetit!" Louis sets a bowl of Froot Loops down in front of me.

"Cereal?" I stare at the bowl in front of me. "I thought you were going to cook for me."

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