Chapter 20

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"You look gorgeous!" Elena sprays some more hairspray in my hair. "Liam is going to be so jealous!"

"Will you tell me what the plan is now?" I clasp my hands together, begging.

Elena looks at the time on her phone. "Connor will tell you. Let's go show them."

Elena grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom. Connor and Drake are sitting on the couches, talking to each other. Elena steps out of the way, allowing them to see me. Drake looks up first and immediately stops talking. Connor looks at him in confusion before turning his head to look at us.

"You look beautiful, Tori." Connor walks over to me.

Elena did a really good job at getting me ready for clubbing. I'm wearing a black strapless dress that clings to my body. I'm not used to wearing dresses like this. I have bright red heels on to add some color. Elena curled my hair and did my make up. She gave me that smokey eye look. The girl in the mirror didn't look like me. She was gorgeous.

"Thanks." I blush.

Even with these heels on I am still shorter than Connor. He still manages to tower over me. Why am I so short?

"So, what is this plan?" I ask Connor.

Connor grins at me. "You are my date for tonight. Louis says that with you hanging out with me all night will make Liam jealous."

"I don't think it will work." I shake my head.

"Yes, it will." Drake pulls Elena close to his body. "Liam is still in love with you."

"Liam will think that I like you, but we are just two best friends hanging out together." Connor wraps his arm around my waist.

"They are waiting for us outside." Elena grabs Drake's hand and walk towards the door.

"Ready?" Connor smiles down at me.

"I guess so?" I breathe, uneasily.

"Don't worry. It will work. I promise." Connor heads for the door. "I'll help you down. Those heels look killer."

"You have no idea." I follow him.

Connor steps down on the concrete and grabs both sides of my waist. He lowers me down on the ground easily. I smile at him in appreciation. Connor wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. I wobble in my heels a little. I clutch the back of Connor's shirt in my hand to stable myself.

"Woah." Niall breathes.

I lift my head up to see the guys staring at me. Do I not look good? Is my make up too much? Does Liam think I look bad? Harry's mouth is wide open. Zayn is grinning at me. Niall is still staring at me in shock. Louis isn't even looking at me. He is watching Liam. The corner of Liam's mouth are turned up and he is looking directly at me.

Louis marches up to me and offers me his arm. "Let's go, shall we?"

Connor's arm tightens around my waist. "Sorry, man. Tori's my date tonight."

Liam's eyes dart down to Connor's arm around my waist. A frown replaces the smile that was once on his face. He glares at Connor's arm. Is he jealous of Connor? Really?

"Let's go!" Louis yells in excitement.

"Wait!" Elena shouts, loudly.

"What?" I turn to look at her.

"Where's Charlotte?" Elena asks Niall.

Charlotte? As in the other girl that Joey was cheating on? I didn't think she was still here.

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