Chapter 6

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"So, what are you guys doing today?" Connor asks me, flipping over some pancakes.

"I'm going to run some errands." Elena answers first.

"What kind of errands? Mind if I join you?" Connor gives me a big pancake on my plate.

"Bra shopping." Elena smirks.

I'm surprised she is in such a good mood. I heard her get into an argument last night with Drake. Not sure what it was about, but they were practically screaming at each other.

"Never mind!" Connor scrunches his nose up. "What about you, Tori?"

I stop spreading the butter on my pancake and glance up at Connor. "I'm meeting up with an old friend."

Don't ask who. Just start a different conversation. Don't ask. I don't want to have this conversation.

"Who?" Elena asks, looking up from her plate stacked with four pancakes.

Dang it.

"Uh. Louis Tomlinson." I mumble under my breath.

"Who?" Elena leans forward. She just can't let it go.

"Louis Tomlinson." I repeat just a tad bit louder.

"I thought you weren't talking to them?" Elena frowns, leaning back in her seat.

"Uh." I pick up my fork and mess with the pancake on my plate. "I've actually been hanging out with Niall and Louis a little bit."

"I thought you hated them. After what they did to you. Why are you forgiving them?" Elena raises her voice slightly.

"I miss my best friends." I mumble.

"What about us?" Connor whispers, joining the conversation, looking sad.

"You guys are still my best friends. Nothing will change that." I reassure them.

"Then why didn't you tell us you were hanging out with them?" Elena places her hands on the table.

Why is she getting so mad about this? Elena doesn't have to know everything that goes on in my life. I knew she would get mad if I told her I was hanging out with two fifths of One Direction. I know that she deeply despises them because they hurt me so badly.

"Were you ever going to tell us?" Elena stands up angrily.

"Does it really matter?" I ask her, getting annoyed by her attitude.

"Of course it matters! Do you not remember how they hurt you? Now just because they are in town you are crawling back in their arms!" Elena practically yells at me. "Next thing we know you'll be back together with that douche bag!"

"Liam isn't a douche bag!" I yell at her, pushing away from the table, and standing up.

"Why are you defending him?" Elena screams at me. "He broke your heart! Are you still in love with him or something?"

I open my mouth to yell back, but I close it just as fast. How does she know that? I haven't told anyone. Not even Connor. Only Louis knows. I haven't made it obvious or anything.

"Wow." Elena shakes her head at me. "You're still in love with him after he broke your heart. Do you not remember how you felt after he broke up with you? How depressed you were?"

"Of course, I remember!" I shout at her, losing control of my emotions. "I can't help it that I still love him! Not only was he my boyfriend, he was my best friend! When you lose someone like that, you can come yell at me all you want. Because then you can relate to it instead of screaming at me and not knowing how I feel inside! I am so confused right now!" A tear rolls down my face and I ignore it, not bothering to wipe it away.

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