Chapter 27

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"Harry fell asleep." I whisper, shutting the bedroom door behind me.

Harry cried on my shoulder for the past hour. He is completely heartbroken. I ended up crying because Harry was so upset about it. Harry kept asking what did wrong. He thought he ruined their relationship. I tried to convince him that it was all of Megan's fault. She's the one that cheated that him.

"Can someone please explain to me what happened?" I sit down on the floor with my back leaning up against Liam's legs.

Everyone one else glances at each other, waiting for someone to begin explaining. Louis, Connor, Zayn, and Elena are sitting on the long couch. Drake is leaning against Elena's legs. Niall and Charlotte are sitting near the tv with a blanket wrapped around them.

"The seven of us decided to go out inside of staying at the hotel. Niall and Charlotte wanted to watch a movie together." Zayn starts telling us what happened. "On our way out of the hotel, Megan said that she had to go shopping for a birthday present for her mom. Harry offered to go with her, but she told him to go have fun."

"So, we went to an indoor skating place. We were all having a good time. Thirty minutes later, I saw Megan walk in with a guy. I was hopping he was just a friend of hers, but then I saw him kiss her." Louis explains.

"Harry hadn't noticed Megan yet. He was still attempting to skate backwards with Elena. Megan and the guy walked over to where we were not realising that we were there." Zayn picks up where Louis stopped. "Louis and I walked over to them. We wanted to know who the guy was. Megan went to the bathroom by the time we reached the guy."

"He said his name was Jared." Louis tells us. "Zayn asked him who the girl was with him because he said that she thought she looked familiar. Jared told us that Megan was his girlfriend. Megan came back and saw us standing there. She realised we caught her."

"Then Harry came over." Zayn stares at the carpet. "Everything went downhill after that. Jared had kissed Megan right there in front of all of us. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Megan was with Jared. Megan tried to explain to Harry that it wasn't what it looked like."

"Harry stormed out of the building and came back here. You saw everything after that." Louis runs his hand through his hair.

Wow. That's absolutely terrible. How could Megan do this to Harry? If she wasn't happy with Harry then she should have broken up with him. Cheating in a relationship is one of the worst things that you can do.

"I never would have thought that Megan would cheat on Harry." I mumble.

"I don't think anyone expected it." Zayn sighs.

A knock comes from our suite door. Who is knocking on our door at eleven at night? Everyone turns to look at Niall sitting on the floor. Did he order room service? It really wouldn't surprise me if Niall did. He does eat a lot?

Niall looks at us, confused. "What?"

"Did you order room service?" Liam asks him, playing with my hair.

"No." Niall shakes his head. "They stop room service at ten."

Of course Niall would know when room service stops at night. Another knock comes from the door. We all exchange a look with each other, waiting for someone to get the door. Connor stands up when he realises that no one else is going to get up. He walks over to the door.

If it's not room service then who is at the door?

"What are you doing here?" Connor asks in a cold tone.

Whoa. I rarely hear Connor sound like that. I stand up to see who Connor is talking to. Megan is standing out in the hallway of the hotel. What is she doing back here? Doesn't Megan know how much she hurt Harry? Why would she come back?

"What are you doing here?" I march over to the door.

"I came by to get my things." Megan whispers.

Her eyes are red and puffy. She's been crying a lot. Good. I hope Megan knows how badly she hurt Harry. He didn't deserve any of this. Harry always treated her right.

"If we give you your stuff will you leave?" I ask her.

Megan nods. "You'll never see me again."

"Fine. Wait here." I back away from the doorway. "Elena, can you help me get her stuff?"

Elena glares at Megan for a few moments before nodding. Elena and I quietly sneak into Harry's bedroom to gather all of Megan's things. Harry is still fast asleep on his bed with the covers tangled around him.

I grab Megan's suitcase from the small closet and help Elena throw clothes in it. Neither of us bother to fold her clothes. Cheaters don't deserve to have nearly folded clothes.

"Is that everything?" I whisper to Elena, not wanting to wake Harry.

Elena nods and zips up the suitcase. "Let's go give this to the cheater."

We sneak out of the bedroom without waking Harry up. Megan is still waiting out in the hallway. Liam and Louis are standing next to Connor by the door. Elena tosses the suitcase at Megan's feet. It looks like Elena is holding back from attacking Megan. Elena's face is blank and emotionless.

"Are you okay?" I nudge Elena in the side.

"I don't understand how someone could hurt Harry like this." Elena shakes her head in disgust.

"Go sit down. I don't want you to blow up on her." I push her towards Drake.

"Good idea. You have no idea how tempted I am to slap her." Elena walks back to Drake.

I turn to face the guys and Megan. "There's your stuff. You can leave now."

Megan picks up her suitcase. "Can you tell Harry that I'm really sorry? I didn't mean to hurt him."

"Why did you do it?" I ask her, stepping closer to Liam.

"I don't know. I just felt lonely because Harry was doing so many concerts. I met Jared one day and I felt happier. I didn't feel so lonely. I didn't know how to tell Jared that I had a boyfriend, so I kept it a secret." Megan explains, crying a little. "I love Harry. I didn't want to hurt him."

"No. You don't love Harry." I shake my head at her. "If you loved Harry then you wouldn't have cheated on him."

Megan sniffles. "I screwed everything up."

"Yeah, you did." I agree with her. "Harry loves you and you cheat on him. If you didn't care for him anymore then you should have broken up with him. You shouldn't have led him on."

"I didn't mean to." Megan wipes her eyes.

"How long?" I ask her, feeling Liam's arms snake around my waist.

"How long were you cheating on Harry?" I repeat the question.

Megan bites her lip and stares at the floor. "Four weeks. I told Jared I was a stylist on the tour and he followed me to each place the guys played at. He stayed at hotels to be able to meet up with me."

"I think you should go." Louis says, calmly.

Megan glances at the four of us. "Okay. I never meant to hurt any of you."

Megan walks away from the doorway and Connor shuts the door. We walk back to the living room in silence.

"I knew I never liked her." Elena breaks the silence.


Author's Note:

This chapter was mainly to explain what happened between Harry and Megan. I had to rewrite this chapter because I accidentally deleted it the first time.

A Goofy Movie is on right now and I'm going to go watch it! I love Disney movies!

Question...Do you think Megan will be back or no?

So, yeah!


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