Chapter 28

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I grab ahold of the white comforter and pull on it as hard as I can. When it doesn't move, I step backwards until my back hits the wall. I stare at the lump in the middle of the bed.




I sprint forward and jump on the bed, landing on my knees. A loud groan comes from underneath the blankets. At least, I know he is awake now. I shake the lump in attempt to get him up.

"Go away!" Harry shouts from underneath the blankets.

"No!" I stop shaking him. "We're all going out and you're coming along."

"No, I'm not." Harry rolls over on the bed to get away from me.

"You have been locked in your room for three days. I understand that you need time with yourself, but you can't be depressed anymore. You need to move on!"

"I don't want to date anyone." Harry's voice muffles because of the pillow.

"I'm not saying you have to date anyone. All you have to do is leave this room and become your normal funny, perverted self again. Everyone misses you like crazy!" I pull the comforter off of his head, showing his crazy brown curls.

"But, my bed is so comfy." Harry rolls over to face me.

I immediately analyze his face to see his eyes are slightly red and puffy. He must have fallen asleep crying last night. I truly hate Megan. How could she have treated Harry like this? He didn't deserve it. No one deserves this.

"Please, Harry?" I clasp my hands together.

"No." Harry shakes his head. "Give me another day."

I slump my shoulders. "Do you not realize how many people you are hurting by staying in here and being depressed?"

"I'm not hurting anyone." Harry turns and has his back face me.

I grab his arm and roll him back over to face me. "Yes, you are! Everyone is upset because you are so depressed. I understand that you are hurting because Megan cheated on you, but you can't stay like this forever."

Harry sits up quickly. "You don't know how it feels to have someone break your heart! It's not all fun and games. So, stop trying to act like you know how I feel when you don't!" He screams at me, angrily.

I flinch back in surprise. Is he serious? I don't know how it feels to have my heart broken? Is he forgetting about when Liam broke up with me? Or when Joey cheated on me? Not once, but twice?

I glare at him. "You know what? I don't care. I don't care if you ever come out of this room. I understand that you're hurting because Megan cheated on you, but that doesn't give you the right to be a complete jerk. I've had my heart broken three times, remember?"

I climb off of the bed and storm out of the bedroom. The door slams shut behind me. I try to be a good friend and help Harry out, but he acts like a complete jerk. That's the last time I try and help him.

Liam looks up at me when he sees me heading for the kitchen. "What happened?" He jumps up.

"Someone else can help Harry." I tell everyone in the room.

Liam grabs my wrist, preventing me from walking into the kitchen. "What happened in there?"

"Harry is being a complete jerk. He said that I don't know how it feels to have my heart broken. Does he not remember when you broke up with me and Joey cheating on me twice? Or do they not count?" I rant, angrily.

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