Chapter 8

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I cried into Liam's chest for hours. All the pain I have been feeling just poured out of me. Liam didn't say anything. He just held me close and rubbed my back comfortingly. No words were exchanged between us. We didn't need to talk to each other. Being in each other's presence was enough for both of us.

I still don't forgive him. He should have never broke up with me like that. Liam should have came and talked to me about it. Not break up with me because he thought that was best. He was wrong.

I think I'm more mad at Megan than anyone. I was going to tell Liam myself. She had no right to go and tell the guys. If she thought she was being a good friend, then she was wrong. It hurts even more that she didn't come back with me. Megan could have went back to Harry when I started college.

I know one of us is going to have to say something. We can't just sit here in this silence forever. No matter how peaceful it is.

I miss these days. I miss the days when Liam and I would just cuddle. I miss hanging out with all of the guys. I miss Louis waking me up in the morning. I miss Niall asking me to make him food.

"I'm sorry." Liam breaks the silence.

"It's not your fault." I whisper.

"No, I'm sorry for breaking up with you." Liam says.

I freeze in my spot. I don't want to talk about that now. I know we will have to do it eventually, but not today. Enough has happened to me.

"You should have known the real reason I broke up with you. I shouldn't have said I didn't want to be with you. I regret that day so much. I'm so sorry." Liam rubs my back.

I sit up slowly and push away from him. "Louis told me the truth." I avoid eye contact.

"You're talking to Louis?" Liam straightens up.

"You're not my boyfriend, Liam. You don't need to know everything happening in my life." I glance at him.

Liam winces. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too." I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "That doesn't change anything, though. You broke up with me."

"And I deeply regret it." Liam stares into my eyes. "I only wanted what was best for you."

"You were what was best for me!" I turn to face him. "I wanted to stay with you and the guys."

"Princeton was an once in a lifetime opportunity." Liam clasps his hands together.

"So were you." I bite my lip and stare at the floor.

"Is there any chance you would give me second chance?" Liam whispers.

I lift my head up to see him. Liam looks on the verge of tears. I probably look the same. I didn't want to have this talk. It's too depressing. I had enough depressing things for one day.

"Liam, what you did really hurt me." I take a deep breath. "It was the second worst day of my life. The first being when I got that call from Megan telling me that you were in the hospital."


I hold up my hand. "Let me finish. I was completely in love with you. You broke my heart. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. I was going to tell you that I was in love with you. That never happened. You broke up with me because you wanted what was best for me. You didn't realize that you were the best thing that ever happened to me."

"I finally got it through my head that you didn't love me back. That you never did. Then you show up here. Right when I was starting to get over you. I almost had a boyfriend. I had great friends. I'm doing great in college. And now you are asking for a second chance."

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