29| Plans

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Cassidys POV

My birthday was next week. I asked Crystal and the others specifically not to throw a party.

I never liked crowed parties. I guess it's because I had not really gone to any that I actually enjoyed.

"Hey Cass" everyone greets as I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey! I'm just going out for some coffee. I'll be back soon" I smile and grab my bag.

"Ok, text if something happens" Crystal says and I nod

I walk down to my car and hop in. A few minutes of driving and I arrive at Starbucks.

I walk in and I immediately spot a familiar face.


He notices me and his face goes white. He walks up and I begin to glare

"H-hey Cass" he nervously smiles

"Hello..." I say cautiously

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry" he says looking reasonably sincere

"Great!" I retort. I'm not buying any of his bullshit

"Is... Colby still mad at me?" He asks more nervous than ever.

"What? Why would Colby be mad?" I say genuinely confused

"H-he punched me, for you know... cheating"

"He hit you?!?"

"Twice actually. Once when we first started dating and then when I cheated"

"Why did he hit you the first time?" I say intrigued

"He told me to look after you, or he would hunt me down... his words"

"Oh. Well I guess you deserved it" I retort

I grab my coffee and leave before he could say anything else.

What a douche.

Crystals POV

"Guys, I know Cass doesn't want a party, but she's never been to a real party, well... one she's enjoyed" I convince

"Yeah! Totally!" Sam aggress

Colby says nothing. He just smiled and nods

"We could invite people like Corey and Elton. She hasn't met them, but she knows who they are" Sam suggests

"Yeah! We need this party as big as possible"

"What about... at the beach or
Something?" Colby pitches in

"Yeah. Apart from one thing. Cass doesn't like the beach much" I say

"Well, let's help her like the beach" Sam smiles

"Ok. We could head there the day of her birthday, tell her it's just a trip, then surprise her when we get there. Then we could stay for like a week, exploring and shit. Then come back" I plan and write as I say it

"Should we get like, a huge house for a couple of us to stay in and stay there?" Colby suggests and me and Sam nod as I write it down.

"Good! It's planned!" Sam says

"Not yet. We still need to invite people, like tonight"

"Sure, I'll take her out for the night while you and Sam organise guests etc?" Colby suggests and we agree.

"Shhhh!! She's back" Sam whispers as we hear the door begin to unlock.

Cassidys POV

I grab my keys out and unlock the door.

Everyone is still sitting in the kitchen. They all smile at me... a little suspicious but ok.

"Hey dudes!" I say while drinking my coffee.


"Oh Cass! I'm taking you out tonight" Colby says looking up at me

"Oh ok, where?"

"Just around the city, for like a night out on the town"

"Whyyyyyyy?" I question while smirking

"I wanna make up some things to you" Colby giggles at my stupidity.

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