Cassidys POV
"Nope, now get dressed!" Colby says before walking out of my room.
I get out of bed and close the door.
What to wear? What to wear?
Hmmm... What about this? Yeah!I pick up some black skinny jeans and my hoodie.
I quickly put them on then brush my hair. I don't put makeup on, because I don't wear makeup.
I grab my phone and car keys and meet Colby by the door.
"Ready?" He asks
I nod and we head downstairs to my car. Just as I'm about to get in the drivers seat, Colby pushes me out of the way.
"Hey!" I yell
"I'm driving! You go shotgun" he smirks at me
I sigh and walk around to the passenger seat. I get in and Colby starts the car.
"Where are we going?" I question as he pulls out of the lot.
"You'll see" he smirks again.
Colby pulls his phone out and quickly sink it to Love Me Again by John Newman (I suggest you listen to it will you read)
I stick my arm out the window a little. The wind is warm. I watch all the city lights pass. They were all such beautiful colours.
I smile as I tap my foot to the song.
Eventually the city disappears and we begin driving up the hills.
"Ok seriously, where are we going"
He doesn't answer, he just continues driving.
We drive up a thin road. The car is tilting upwards, it's a little nerve racking to be honest.
The song finishes and Walking Backwards by Leagues comes on.
About ten minutes of driving upwards, we reach the top.
"We're here!" Colby says getting out of the car.
"Are you planning on killing me or something?" I say looking around at my dark surroundings
"No, I'm showing you this" he says pointing at a rise in the edge of the hill.
The rise wasn't huge, but it was big enough that I couldn't see over it.
Colby runs up it first and looks down at me.
"Come on!" He says
"Alright alright!"
When I reach top of the rise, the view hit me hard.
The hill completely over looked the city. The lights reflected off each other, shining the biggest parade of an illuminate display.
It was as though the city put on this production for me. I felt the warm air through my hair. I felt so free, so wild, so happy
"Amazing, isn't it?" He says looking out at the city.
"Yeah!" I say closing my eyes, and letting my lungs fill with Hollywoods warm air.
We sat in silence for a while. But it wasn't awkward, it wasn't because no one New what to say. It was purely the perfect moment, to perfect to ruin it with me and Colby's petty bickering.
Then, I felt a soft hand touch mine.
I looked to see Colby putting his hand on mine as he continued to stair over the city.
I flinched at his touch and he looked at me confused
"Sorry, I was just trying to be nice" he says apologetically.
"N-no, it's not you, just... I'm not used to this kind of affection" I say in a stutter
Colby doesn't say anything, he only looks at me with sorrow. I guess when you think about that, it's really depressing.
"An I ask you something?" Colby starts, and I nod in agreement "Why did you hurt yourself? Have you done it before?"
I hesitate to answer, but he is waiting so patiently that I have to speak.
"I-I had a lot of problems in high school, I used to do it all the time, but I got help after I went to hospital with serious cuts. I guess all the pressure got in my head, and I couldn't really think straight" I sat trying my hardest not to tear up.
I couldn't let him see me cry. Even though we are being nice to each other, we are still enemies. And letting him see me cry, is letting him win.
"Oh" he says as he puts his head down. "I'm sorry, I never knew"
"It's ok, it's over now" I say truthfully.
We sit and watch the lights again. A quiet but adventurous night.
Hope it was alright❤️❤️