Wallflower Wall-flow-er {Wawl-flour-er} 1. A person who because of shyness, unpopularity, or lack of a partner, remains at the side at a party or dance.
2. Any person that remains on or has been forced to the sidelines of any activity.
Anonymous P O V
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A bright, sunny, radiant Saturday morning. 10 Am was the time; birds were chirping and there wasn't a cloud in the sky to be seen. Kids were enjoying one of their last times being in the pool for the season, before it truly began to be a change in weather. Family's, couples, and even lonely ones, were taking a nice walk around the large neighborhood; happy to be experiencing such a beautiful morning.
Meanwhile, every teenage body was in a daze of deep sleep. Due to the fact that most of them stayed up till two in the morning.
India, Dejha, and Taye were all slumped in India's rooms, while Quincy went over to a cousins house for the night. In Nova's room were a sleeping Chris & Nova, no one planned on waking up soon.
At least another hour went past, which is when everyone actually began to wake up.
"Who's car?" Taye ask scratching the sleep from her eye as India and Dejha look out the kitchen window as well.
"I thought it was yours." India says turning back around the face Taye.
"Nah...Mine is in the driveway." Taye says.
"Mine is too." Dejha speaks opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of orange juice.
"Must be the neighbors." India shrugs, dismissing the topic.
"So, y'all still going to the party tonight?" Dejha ask pouting a cup of orange juice.
"Of course, it's a must." India says running her hands through her long blonde extensions.
"What time does it start?" Taye ask pulling her phone out.
"Nine, but we gotta be fashionably late...so 10:05." India says as the other two girls nod in agreement.
Nova lets out an interminable groan, seeing the bright rays of sun shining through her window. She opens an eye to her white ceiling before sitting there a few minutes, letting herself wake up.
"Are you staring at the ceiling....or are your eyes closed?" Chris's hoarse morning voice speaks. He had been up for at least ten minutes, waiting to see if Nova would wake up.
"I'm up." Nova says sitting up from her comfortable position. Her eyes roam her sunlit room, seeing that everything was the same as when she went to sleep.
"I'm surprised you ain't kick my ass out. How generous." Chris mumbles. Nova leans back, her hands supportive her, before she flips off Chris.
"I was really thinking about it... but I didn't feel like arguing with you about leaving. So I went against it." Nova says making Chris chuckle.