The next morning

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The next morning Alice woke up with a headache, probably because of the wine she had drunk last night. She sat up in bed and looked over at Fp. He was still fast asleep. She decided to get up and make some breakfast. Before she headed downstairs she went into pollys old room, where Charles was staying, to check up in him. To her surprise he was already awake.
„Good Morning Charles"
„Good Morning Mom" Alice's heart started beating fast. She didn't expect him to call her mom, but she didn't mind. In fact she was more than happy.
„And by the way, everyone calls me chic"
„Well I'm that case, chic, I was just about to make breakfast. Wanna help?"
They both headed downstairs and started preparing breakfast. They cooked chocolate chip pancakes and laid the table.
It was around 7:30 and Betty appeared. As she came into the dining room she saw chic and her mother preparing breakfast. Obviously she had no idea who the stranger in her house was so she questioned her mother.
"Umm Mom? Are you going to introduce me to our guest?" Betty asked in quite a sarcastic tone.
"Betty.. remember when I told you that I got pregnant in high school, and had to give up the baby?"
"Ohh.. but wait, did you tell dad?"
"Actually-" chic started but Alice quickly cut him off.
"Actually, I've already told you're dad, but he didn't seem very happy."
She smiled and walked out of the room. Chic decided to go along with it, although he knew Alice was lying.
"So I guess that makes us siblings" Betty smiled awkwardly at chic.
"I guess so"
They smiled at each other before something caught Betty's eye.
"Mom? Who's jacket is that?" Betty exclaimed pointing to Fps jacket lying on the floor next to the couch.
Alice came rushing in, and realised her mistake. She had to quickly come up with an excuse.
"That's chics jacket.. it must've fallen off the couch" she quickly ran to pick it up.
This time chic caught on pretty quickly. Betty didn't know that Alice and Fp were back together, nor did she know that Fp was his father or that he spent the night with Alice. Chic gave his mother an odd look, before Alice changed the subject. Why don't you two start eating, I'll be back in a minute.
Alice began to panic. She raced upstairs and just as she reached the top of the staircase Fp appeared out of her room. She quickly made her way towards him. She took his hand and lead him back into her room.
"Ali what's wrong?"
"Betty's up, and she can't know that you were here."
"But she'll be off to school in a moment."
"Look, don't worry. I'll stay up here until she's gone"
"Thank you" Alice smiled before pulling Fp in for a kiss.
Alice joined chic and Betty for breakfast and they were able to learn more about chic and his past. It was 8:15 and Betty headed off for school, while chic headed into town to get some supplies. Alice started clearing the table and washing up in the kitchen. She suddenly realised she had forgotten about Fp. She quickly dropped what she was doing and made her way upstairs.
She opened up her bedroom door to find Fp asleep in her bed. She walked over to him and placed a blanket over him. She kissed him gently on the forehead, before walking over to her dresser. She removed her pyjamas and everything else she was wearing. She let her hair down and made her way into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm. In that time she brushed her teeth and brushed through her hair. Before stepping into the shower she took a quick look into the mirror, for some reason she felt different. She wasn't sure what was wrong but something didn't feel right. She decided to ignore it and got into the shower. She had been in the shower for about 5 minutes before she felt a cold breeze hit her skin. She felt someone climb into the shower. Of course she knew exactly who it was. She didn't bother turning around, she just felt Fps arms wrap around her middle as she leaned back into him.
"I thought you were asleep" Alice whispered, giggling slightly.
"Until I heard the shower turn on, yeah I was"
He nuzzled into the the crook of her neck
„So why didn't you come in her sooner?" she laughed. Fp loved this side of Alice. Her flirty attitude.
„Well I wasn't su-„
He was cut of as Alice spun around and placed a kiss on his lips. They made out for a good minute or two before Alice pulled away. She felt really sick, but she didn't want to ruin the moment so she just pulled Fp into an embrace. A few minutes later she turned of the shower and as soon as she got out she felt the urge to puke. She stumbled towards the toilet and rested on her knees. FP was quick to follow. He quickly pulled her hair back and rested his hand on her back. When she was done lifted her head and turned around to FP. Tears were streaming down her face, because it had all happened so suddenly. He grabbed a tissue for her to wipe her mouth and after she did, he pulled her in close. He then helped her up and took her into the bedroom. Alice sat on the bed whilst FP got dressed and afterwards he helped her get dressed.
Fp decided to stay with Alice for the rest of the day just to make sure she was ok. They spent most of the day watching tv, whilst wrapped up in each other's arms.

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