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"There's something else we need to tell you.." Alice trailed off. She turned around and looked at FP for help. She didn't know how to tell her daughter the news.
"Betty... jughead... uhm..." Alice stuttered
"I think I know" Betty exclaimed.                      She had seen how protective FP was over her mother. How he was always standing in front of her. How his hand always found its way to her stomach.
Alice exchanged glances with her daughter. She was almost certain she knew what was going through her daughters mind. Betty was still a little bit unsure, but her mother's next move confirmed it. Alice slowly placed a hand on her tiny bump. They made eye contact again. Betty bit her lip and lifted her eyebrows. She tilted her head a little as if she was looking for an answer to a question she hadn't even asked yet.
Alice silently nodded, tears beginning to form.
Betty could see in her mother's eyes that she was happy about it. Her mother had always wanted another child, however Hal didn't. Her mother had endured years of pain due to him, not just emotionally but physically. Although she still wasn't too keen on the whole 'boyfriends dad' situation she felt happy. Her mother was finally with a man she trusted and loved, and they now had the chance to start a family together, just as they had planned over 25 years ago.
Alice waited for a response.
"Mom.." Betty stepped forward and took her mother's hands into her own, "I'm happy for you"
Four words Alice was not expecting to hear.
"Mom, although it's going to be awkward as hell-" she paused giggling, "I realised that I just want you to be happy, and if that means being with FP, and starting a family together, then I'm not going to stop you. You deserve it, Mom"
Alice couldn't believe her ears. This was not the reaction she expected, but it was certainly what she had hoped for.
"Oh betty!"
She pulled her daughter into a hug. Fp watched them embracing, and smiled, although it quickly faded as he realised his son was here too. He knew he wouldn't be as accepting as Betty. To be honest, he was afraid of what jughead had to say. She glanced over at his son, who was visibly speechless.
"Boy-" FP started.
"Save it, dad" and with that he left the house. He wasn't sure where he was going to go, but he just had to go somewhere. He knew he would eventually have to face the truth, but for now he just wanted to be alone. He needed time to think things through.
Betty and Alice quickly pulled apart. As much as she wanted to sit down and talk to Betty about everything, she knew FP needed her. Betty also knew, so she wasn't surprised when her mother turned around and walked towards FP. She pulled him in to a hug. He placed his head in the crook of her neck and she slowly rubbed his back.
"It's probably going to take some time, but I'm sure he'll change his mind" Alice whispered.
She felt FP nod, although he didn't reply.
Betty sensed that they probably wanted to be alone, so she decided to head out and look for jughead.
Betty headed out and FP and Alice were left alone. Normally they would seize the opportunity but tonight they just needed to be with each other. It had been a long night. The truth was spilled, although not the way Alice and Fp wanted it to, however Betty seemed to be taking the news very well.
Alice led FP over to the couch, where they both collapsed in each other's arms. Alice cuddled up to FP and rested her head on his chest. He rested his hand on her bump and played with her hair. Within a matter of minutes, they had both fallen asleep.

Betty searched the trailer and the white wrym, but jughead was nowhere to be found. She thought about where he could possibly be until it dawned on her that when jughead was in any stressful situation, the only option was food. Comfort food. She got into the car and drove to pops, and sure enough he was sat in one of the booths. He saw Betty approach him. He gestured for her to take a seat, and she reluctantly sat down opposite him.
"Sorry for storming out like that-"
"Jug, it's ok. I know it's a shock and I'm not saying you have to agree with me, but I truly believe this was supposed to happen. Trust me on this one"
Jughead wasn't easily manipulated, but some how Betty cooper, yet again managed to win him over. The two remained in pops while jughead finished his meal, and headed back to Alice's afterwards.
They got home at around half eleven, expecting to get shouted at because it was way after curfew. However they got home to find their parents fast asleep on the couch.
Fp and Alice had moved around a bit, and Alice was now laying on top of FP.
Jughead still felt very awkward as he watched his dad and girlfriends mom sleep together, but Betty told him to relax and try to accept it.
She dragged him upstairs, and the two went straight to bed.
Sorry this is a short and boring chapter, there is a part two though. It would've been too long for one chapter, so I'll probably post the second part tomorrow xx

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