Somethings wrong!

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FP peered down at the woman laying in his arms, tears streaming down his face. She was still breathing, but he didn't know how much longer she would be able to keep going.

Her eyes were barely open, and she was totally unaware of her surroundings. All she could hear were voices coming from all different directions, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. She tried with all her strength to move but she was too weak.

FP cradled her in his arms, holding her tight and trying to ensure she was ok. He had his arms wrapped around her and her head was resting against him. He felt a sudden jolt, almost as if she was trying to move. Her eyes widened a little bit, immediately catching his attention.

„Alice" he said calmly, staring into her eyes, smiling, „you're going to be alright, ok? I need you to stay with me"

He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and placed a hand on her cheek.

She nodded and smiled at him, still confused about what was going on. The last few minutes were such a blur.

The other parents tended to their children. Betty just stood there taking in the scene. A thousand thoughts were traveling through her mind. Did she just kill her father? Was she going to get in trouble for what she did? Why did he do this? Was her mother ok? Was the baby ok? Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by FPs cries. She looked over at him, and then at her mother. Something was wrong.

„Alice! No! Stay with me! Don't close your eyes!"

Jughead worriedly went over to where they were sat on the floor. Alice was beginning to loose consciousness again.

Suddenly blue lights became visible from outside, and in a matter of seconds paramedics came rushing in. They began consulting Alice and proceeded to place her on a stretcher. The other parents watched in horror as they watched a terrified, broken FP sit next to her hoping for a sign of life. Alice was the best thing that happened to him and they knew if he lost her, they would loose him too.

The paramedics rushed her out and placed her into the back of the van before turning to the parents and kids. Only one of you is allowed in, he said pointing to a seat in the van. FP exchanged glances with Betty, who just nodded for him to go. Betty knew her mother needed FP by her side, and although she would've loved to go with her, she knew there was only one person her mother needed in that moment. FP pulled Betty and Jughead into a hug before stepping into the van and heading off towards the hospital.

He sat there silently and anxiously next to Alice, holding her hand, hoping it would make a difference. He scooted over a bit so that he was right next to her. She was hooked up to various machines, but she was breathing. That's all FP cared about in that moment. That she was ok and alive. He suddenly remembered about the baby, automatically reaching down and placing a hand on her stomach.

He sighed in relief and happiness as he felt the baby kicking. He was glad to know that the baby was fine.

He continued rubbing her stomach and realised that the kicks were coming increasingly powerful.

Sometimes when they layed in bed at night, Alice would point out that the baby was kicking especially hard that night. FP would rest his hand on her stomach and feel the powerful kicks, however none of them related to the kicks right now. FP looked over st one of the monitors which had begun making weird noises. He then glanced back at Alice who, although she was almost completely out, had a strange look on her face. She looked like she was in excruciating pain.

"Excuse me!?" FP yelled to the front of the van,
„Something's wrong!"

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