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It was around 2pm and chic returned home to find Alice and Fp wrapped up in each other's arms, asleep on the sofa. He smiled at the sight, and made his way into the dining room. Alice had agreed to let him stay for a while, so he quickly had quickly popped into town in order to buy a few supplies. Small things like a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, the basics.
He placed the bag on the table, although he didn't manage to do it quietly. Alice stirred in Fps arms, and as she did, FP woke up. He quickly turned his head to find chic sitting at the table. He gave him a quick smile before returning his attention to Alice. She was so peaceful. He didn't want to wake her up, so he carefully lifted her up and gently laid her back down onto the sofa. He placed the blanket back around her and headed into the dining room, to where chic was. The two had a deep conversation, talking about their past. Fp explained his relationship with Alice, back in the day, and how she ended up with Hal. How they carried in with their lives.
"So whats the situation like now?" Chic asked FP. He meant the situation between him and Alice. Why they were keeping it a secret and all.
Just as the words left his mouth they heard someone approach them. It was Alice, all wrapped up in a blanket. Her hair was a little bit messy but she still looked beautiful as ever.
Fp immediately got up and made his way towards Alice. He hugged her and took her by the hand. He guided her towards the table and they both took a seat.
"How are you feeling?"
"Much better, actually" Alice smiled
"I probably just needed a rest"
The three exchanged smiles, before FP spoke again.
"What did you mean chic?"
"I meant, what is your relationship like? Mom, earlier you lied about dads jacket and the fact that you didn't actually tell Hal that I was here. What was that about?"
"Chic, I broke things off with Hal a while ago. Betty knows about that, however she doesn't know that FP is your father. She thinks Hal is. I thought it would be too much at once if I told her she had a secret brother, and that the father is her boyfriends dad. That's a lot to take in at once. And as for "us".." she glanced over at FP. "Yes, we are back together, but we don't want to tell Betty, in fact we don't want to tell anyone. It makes sense for you to know, because we are your parents, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"
"I promise" chic smiled "but you have to be more careful if you want to keep it a secret.. I just walked into the house and found you two asleep, cuddled up to each other."
Fp and Alice started laughing
"Yeah, I guess we have to work on that" FP grinned.

Suddenly the front door swung open and Betty stormed though it. She stormed into the dining room to see FP, chic and her mother sitting at the table.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know we had company" Betty calmed down a bit as she saw her mother was not alone.
"Mom, what is FP doing here?!"
"I was just coming over to check on your mother, she's not feeling to well" FP blurted out. Of course he wasn't wrong, but that wasn't the reason he was there.
"Oh okay.." Betty diverted her attention back to her mother.
"Mom, did you know Polly is back in town?"
"Pollys back?"
"Yep. I just saw her at Clifford blossoms will reading"
"Wait what, slow down. Why were you at Clifford's will reading, and why was I not invited?" Alice sounded concerned.
"Don't worry, you didn't miss much anyway. Cheryl inherited most of his stuff, but there's actually something that might even concern you." Betty replied
"Some of the money is being distributed amongst anyone with blossom blood"
"Okay.. but how are we supposed to find out that?"
"Well we have to send off blood samples, because it must be medically proven."
Alice was almost certain she didn't have blossom blood.
"Chic, you might want to get yours tested too, after all, dad is a blossom, which automatically makes us both blossoms too" Betty said as she sat down next to chic.
Fp and Alice exchanged glances. Chic obviously knew he didn't have blossom blood. He wasn't related to Hal. His parents were FP and Alice, neither of whom were somewhat related to the blossoms.
"Actually I think I'll pass. I don't want their money anyway."
Betty gave him an odd look.
"Chic, don't worry. You don't have to if you don't want to" Alice quickly blurted out. Alice knew the truth, so she knew why chic said that. Anyway, if Betty found out he didn't have blossom blood, she would know that Hal is not chics real father. Then she would have to tell Betty the truth. Betty sighed and left the table.
"Well mom, I'm sending mine in. And I think you should too"
Alice thought it was unnecessary, but she agreed. Of else it would get suspicious.
Alice and Betty both sent in their samples. However little did Alice know, Betty had secretly submitted chic blood sample too. She had taken his dental floss and sent it in to get tested. Just to stay on the safe side, FP decided to send in a sample as well.
It was a few days later and someone came by to deliver the results. Chic wasn't home. It was just Betty and Alice. A woman came in, and explained how the test works.
"Although we were only testing for a certain genetic, we also provided your blood category and other related things. Through this test, we are also able to detect illnesses or conditions, which may be useful for the future."
The woman placed three envelopes on the table, and headed out. Betty jumped up and grabbed her results, whilst Alice wasn't really that bothered.
Betty opened up the envelope eagerly.
"Well well.. just as I suspected. I have blossom blood. Wait is that a good or a bad thing?" She said laughing. Alice let out a small laugh too.
"Here, let me take that, I'll send it off tomorrow" Alice said, reaching out her hand to Betty. She reluctantly handed over the results.
Alice then reached for hers and chics results. First she opened up chics. Just as she suspected. No trace of blossom blood. She then continued to open up hers. She too did not have blossom blood, but that wasn't what caught her eye. Her heart started beating fast and she felt her face growing red, as she read further down the page.
"Mom is everything ok?"
Alice remembered she wasn't alone. She looked up at Betty who had a concerned look upon her face.
"Everything's fine" she smiled. Alice quickly grabbed her envelope and stuffed it into her bag. She totally forgot about chics results and left them lying next to Betty's.
"Honey, I just remembered I have to get down to the register, I have to send of my next article." Alice quickly said, before making her way to the front door. Betty didn't suspect anything was wrong. She let her mother go, and as she left, she picked up chics results. Shock and horror went through her mind. She assumed her mother hadn't looked at chics results. She was puzzled. Chic didn't have blossom blood. Different thoughts crossed her mind. Who could he be? Was he the real chic? If not, then who was? She didn't ask her self the one question, which was : is Hal chics biological father?
Stay tuned, I will be updating very soon! Also I really enjoyed the last episode, and thought it would be an interesting story line to play around with. What are your thoughts and opinions? I think chic won't have blossom blood because he's Fps son. That's why Betty was questioning him. The only way chic would have blossom blood, were if he is Hal's son.

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