not quite right

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About half an hour later, Alice and FP appeared at the bottom of the staircase. They could hear the TV blasting from inside the other room, and as they got closer Alice had to put her hands over her ears.

"hey hey!" FP said, barging into the room followed by Alice. "keep it down you guys!"

"you're the ones to talk" Betty sneered, grabbing the remote and switching the TV off.

"what do you mean" Alice said, knowing damn well what they were talking about. She silently cursed to herself and a disgusted look spread across her face as she realised it must have been so awkward for the both of them.

"why are you the one pulling a face?" Betty mocked, pulling a similar face to her mother's. "its not like you had to listen to it or-"

"ok, enough Elizabeth. I don't want to hear another word about FP and I's sex life ok?" Alice said, pointing her finger at the two teenagers who at this point were completely grossed out.

"how about we make some food?" FP chipped in, trying his best to change the subject.

"ok, we'll be in the kitchen" Alice said, taking FP's hand and leading him into the other room.


"ok guys, foods ready!" FP called, bringing a few plates into the dining room.

Jughead and Betty came racing into the room, sitting down immediately. As usual, Betty and Jughead sat next to each other and across from Alice and FP. They began eating the food Alice had just prepared but the whole time something seemed a little off.

There was the noticeable tension between the four of them due to the events that took place earlier that day however Betty noticed her mother was acting a little unusual. While Jughead and FP were busy eating, Betty closely watched her mother. Every now and then she would flinch a little, not enough for the others to notice, but Betty knew her mother almost better than anyone and could immediately sense something wasn't quite right.

She decided not to say anything until there was a more noticeable sign. FP looked up and over at Betty who had her eyebrow raised and looked as if she was telepathically trying to tell him something.

Alice suddenly caught both of their attention as she dropped the cutlery onto the table and held a hand on her stomach. FP's eyed widened as he feared the worst.

"Alice, honey, you ok?" he asked with a worried tone in his voice.

"yeah. It's just. these. Braxton hicks. contractions" she winced, pausing between every word.

"tell me if it gets any worse ok? I'll take you to the hospital if you want"

"don't worry FP, its totally normal"

FP was not convinced. He once again looked over at Betty, who was nodding her head because she knew all too well that it was perfectly normal to experience these kinds of premature contractions. FP shook his head in disbelief.

"well take it easy ok?"

"I will" Alice smiled, picking up her cutlery and resuming her meal.

After about ten minutes, everyone was finished. Alice and Betty began clearing the table and FP didn't think much of it before he heard a crash. He immediately sprinted into the kitchen to see Alice standing in front of the sink, Betty at her side.

"Alice?" he asked, getting closer to her and putting his hand on her shoulder.

He looked into the sink to see a broken plate, figuring Alice must've dropped it.

"I said to take it easy.. come on" he said, taking her hand and leading her over to the sofa where Jughead sat.

Upon hearing both of them coming into the front room, Jughead turned around, immediately earning a glare from his father, who signalled for him to get up.

"go and help Betty"

Jughead left the room and FP helped Alice sit down. They turned on the TV and watched whatever was on. It couldn't have been interesting because Alice was out in a matter of minutes. FP just smiled to himself as he saw her peacefully sleeping.

He turned off the TV and gently lifted Alice so that he was almost cradling her. He took her upstairs and laid her down, tucking her in so that she was comfortable.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Betty and Jughead helped FP paint the nursery and move all of the furniture into the room.

It was now approaching 11pm, so after a hard, long day of work, they all decided to go up to bed. FP entered his and Alice's room and saw that she was still fast asleep. He quickly changed and joined her.


sorry this took so long.. I've been on holiday, plus my phone, which I usually write on, is broken.

I have some great stuff planned for the next chapters! I hope you enjoyed this chapter x

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