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Billy Hargrove was a mysterious creature to everyone he came up to, except for until he showed who exactly he was when he started getting into fights every two weeks.

You never payed much attention to him until he managed to get you as his girlfriend, which surprised everyone since he was such a nuisance.

You weren't sure why or how he managed to pick you up, but he did and now he was controlling over you. He didn't want another guy's eyes on you at all. That included everyone in Hawkins High.

Especially Johnathon Byers who could barely fend off Steve Harrington last year after the whole 'Nancy the Slut Wheeler' scene.

Today was no different for you, Billy, or Johnathon until one small incident.

"Billy, can you please take some of the books from me? You're just bringing them to my class." You begged, struggling to hold up all of them.

Billy stared at you before licking his lower lip, making you grow frustrated with him quite easily. "Alright, pretty face." He replied, taking some of the books out of your arms.

You just continued walking to your class before Billy stepped in front of you, causing you to walk straight into his back.

"Johnathon Byers. What are you doing?"

You grumbled in annoyance at Billy but didn't dare to move from where you were. You weren't about to be taught a lesson by Billy outside which usually included a small argument. Slapping was also heard of.

"Uh, going to class." He replied bluntly. He hadn't been staring at you ever since Billy had nearly hit him one day for looking over at you in class.

"Just keep your eyes to the ground and we won't have a problem, Byers." Billy replied sharply, watching Johnathon walk past you two with his eyes focused on his dirty shoes.

"Billy, why do you have to be so mean to him?" You asked gently, trying to keep your cool and his to a lower level.

He turned around and looked at you. "You," He started, poking a finger close to your face. "Stay our of it. You hear me?"

You only nodded, repositioning the books in your arms as Billy led the way to your classroom with you following behind him.

Everyone knew not to mess with you and it wasn't because you were a mean person. No, you were one of the sweetest girls in Hawkins. It was all because of Billy.

Everyone of the guys, including your closest friends, had stopped talking to you out of fear of Billy.

The bell rang, waking you from your daydream as you went out of the classroom to be met by Billy swinging his arm across your shoulder.

"I wanna leave this shithole." He muttered, softly. He snuck a hopeful glance your way but you weren't paying attention to him. You were looking at Johnathon Byers who was staring back.

"Byers, what did I say? What the hell did I say!" Billy suddenly yelled. You had screwed up royally and now Johnathon had to pay the price. It wasn't fair.

"I wasn't looking at her! I was looking at the poster behind her head!" Johnathon tried to bargain. Lying was something else Billy hated.

"You better be telling the truth or else I swear to God-" Billy said, stopping to turn around look at the nonexistent poster behind your head. There wasn't a poster even close to you.

"Byers, I swear to God!" Billy yelled again, swinging a punch as Johnathon dodged it.

You couldn't do anything. You had tried multiple times with other guys Billy had fought and not only hurt yourself, but hit more when you got home.

Billy forced you to watch everything.

A scream aroused you from your consistent staring at the lockers, seeing Billy towering over Johnathon like he was nothing.

"Byers, you better not ever look at my girl again! You hear me?" Billy yelled, as a group of people began to circle around the two fighting boys.

"Hey, hey! Break it up!" The principal yelled loudly as everyone scattered and Billy was forced off of Johnathon.

Jonathon stood up, wiping blood from his nose on his jacket sleeve, the nurse quickly leading him away and back to the nurse's office to get cleaned up and go home for the day.

Billy was still being held back while you stood shocked on the other side of the hallway. Billy only smirked at you and you knew. You knew that he was proud of you for not butting in but you felt disgusted.

You could've done something to help him but you didn't. You could've tried to get several other people to help you stop the fight but you didn't. You had let him win.

You had let Billy win.

no, a part two will not become of this.


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